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6th Pay Commission Calculator at!

The recommendations of the 6th pay commission review committe has generated a lot of interest among the employees of the Central government. To calculate your updated Salary based on Cabinet approved recommendations, you can log on to the website mentioned below. The salary calculator at is simply excellent for calculating your salary based on the current 6th Pay Commission recommendations.

To calculate your salary, you can click on the following link:!,, mahavat, maharashtra vat, mvat, sales tax is not the website of VAT Maharashtra. Thought people are searching for the above mentioned website but the actual website containing information, legal issues and laws on VAT in Maharashtra is!, voter list, ceodelhi, voter list delhi, ceo delhi, Official Website of the Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi

You can get information on elections, electoral rolls, forms, voting procedures, voting schedules, news and events on the official website of the Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi. The website also mentions a few FAQs/Frequently Asked Questions to help the visitors.

cusat results |!, cusat results,, cusat exam results, cusat result, Cochin University Of Science and Technology(CUSAT) results

The Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has announced the results of 2008 exams and the CUSAT 2008 results are made available on the CUSAT official result website. The Official Website of CUSAT is:!,,, patrika,,,, rajasthan patrika

To get your PTET results, conducted by Jodhpur University, Rajasthan, you can log on to the official website of Rajasthan Patrika:!

eamcet,, eamcet web counselling,,

APSCHE (AP State Council of Higher Education) has changed the dates of internet based counselling for admission into engineering courses. The earlier dates were from August 22-31 and now it has been changed to to August 24 - September 4. | ICSI Results 2008!

Institute of company secretaries of india,, cs result, icsi result, cs results

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India/ ICSI has announced Examination Result of June 2008 session. THe result can be seen at the official website of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India:

Prajarajyam | Praja Rajyam | Chiranjeevi Party!

Chiru Party, praja rajyam, prajarajayam, chiranjeevi, chiranjeevi party, prajarajyam party, Tirupati

Chiranjeevi the superstar and demi-god of Telugu cinema, has named his party as Prajarajyam (People’s Party). Chiranjeevi declared the name of the party at a massive rally in Tirupati, the abode of Lord Venkateshwara.

The rally saw seven to eight lakh supporters, which equals any of his blockbuster movies' opening. Playing the caste card at the very outset, Chiranjeevi said, "I know the pain of the people, their woes. I have always played roles which were close to weaker sections of the society,". It is to be noted that Chiranjeevi comes from the backward `Kapu' community of Andhra Pradesh.

HUDA Bahadurgarh plot result!, HUDA Bahadurgarh, Haryana Urban development Authority, huda, huda haryana,,

HUDA (Haryana Urban Development Authority) will organise the draw for HUDA Bahadurgarh Plots on 19th September 2008 and the draw results will be available on the official website of HUDA (www.huda.nic ) in in the "Result" section within 3-4 days after the draw.!,,, rpet, rtuadmissions , Rajasthan Technical University Akelgarh, Rawatbhata Road

RTU has given up the manual counseling system and adopted modern web based online off campus counselling to bring in transparency & efficiency for making merit based admissions in MBA and engineering colleges spread across Rajasthan.

Counseling for BE / BTech through RPET will start on 1st Sep 2008!

icet2008, ICET - 2008 ADMISSIONS, apsche, icet,, icet 2008, Integrated Common Entrance Test(ICET) for admission into MBA & MCA courses

Integrated Common Entrance Test(ICET) for Admission into M.B.A. & M.C.A. Courses of various Universities across the state of Andhra Pradesh and their Affiliated Colleges were conducted on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE)). Integrated Common Entrance Test/ ICET 2008 was conducted by the Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Web Based ICET Allotment Details

List of colleges included for Web Counselling

Web Options

Instructions to Candidates

Download Option Form

vinayaka chavithi greetings!

Ganesh Chaturthi Greetings, Puja Vinayaka Chavithi, vinayaka chavithi, ganesh greetings, carte voeux ramadan, ganesh festival greetings, vinayaka chavithi pooja vidhanam

Happy Vinayak Chaturthi! You can browse, download and send the vinayaka chavithi greeting cards from the following website:!

Joint Director Technical Education Aurangabad, results of MAH-MPH-CET 2008

Joint Director Technical Education Aurangabad has announced the results of MAH-MPH-CET but due to heavy traffic website is not opening. However, you can try the official dteau website late and get the MAH-MPH-CET 2008 results:

MDU Rohtak |!

mdu, mdu results,, maharishi dayanand university,
Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak, MDU Rohtak, MDU Rohtak BTECH/BBA results 2008(of may 2008 exams)

Maharishi Dayanand university has announced the results of Btech and BBA. The results of BTech are as follows: BTECH-1st semester to 8th semester results. MDU has also announced the results of BBA 2nd and BBA 4th semester. All the results are available on the official website of MDU, Rohtak:!

Medical, Health & Famility Welfare Department, Government of Rajasthan,

The official website of Medical, Health & Famility Welfare Department, Government of Rajasthan displays information related to admission to NRI seats of MBBS Course 2008-09, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar. It also displays the result of Rural Medical Officers
and declaration Result of GNN, NRHM and selection List of GNM, NRHM. For more information, you can log on to the official website:!, Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Evam Sanchar Vishwavidyalaya (National University of Journalism and Communication)

Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Evam Sanchar Vishwavidyalaya has announced the result of Entrance Examination 2008. Also available on the official website of the university is the new Syllabus of Media Courses. You can download it from there. For more info, you can visit the official website of Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Evam Sanchar Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.

RRB Chandigarh | Railway Recruitment Board Chandigarh! , Railway Recruitment Board, Chandigarh Results,, rrbcdg

Railway Recruitment Board, Chandigarh/ RRB Chandigarh has announced the result of prelimineray (1st stage) written examination for the post of commercial clerk, ticket Examiner and Trains Clerk, CAT No. 34, 35 & 36 OF JEN 01/2007, The candidates who had appeared in the RRB chandigarh exam can obtain their results from the official website of RRB Chandigarh:!, vmrf, vinayaka mission's university, VMRF-Deemed University

The Vinayaka Mission`s University /VMU was established in the year 2001 and the Directorate of Distance Education, Vinayaka Missions University, commenced its programmes in 2005 with the aim of widening access to higher education for learners at national and international levels. For more information on Vinayaka Mission`s University courses and results, you can log on to the official website of the VMU:

Vijender Kumar!

vijender boxing, Indian boxer vijender kumar, vijender boxing, Indian boxers, Vijender kumar Wins, India's Vijender Kumar beat Carlos Gongora

Indian boxer Vijender Kumar beat Carlos Gongora of Ecuador 9-4 in the quarter-finals of the 75kg middleweight boxing event at the Beijing Olympics 2008 to guarantee India a third medal at the Beijing Olympics. Abhinav Bindra has won gold in shooting while Sushil Kumar won a bronze medal in wrestling for India.

vtu 4th sem be results!

vtu 4th sem results,vtu results,, www.results,,,, Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) 4th Semester result

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has announce the 3rd and 4th Semester results of VTU for all regions. The VTU results can be obtained from the official website of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU).!, drdo,Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)

Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), the research and development wing of the Ministry of Defence, Government of India has completed fifty years of service to the Nation. The year 2008 is thus the Golden Jubilee Year of DRDO.

DRDO has 50 research and development laboratories and has developed and produced several state-of-the-art military hardware & strategic systems for the country. The organization has synergised with the Indian Armed Forces in capability building in terms of equipments and technologies.

The success of DRDO has been contributed by more than 100 academic institutions and over 500 industries from within and outside India. In addition to this, various research centres, Science & Technology establishments and various departments of the state and the Central Government have contributed to the success of the DRDO.!, Ministry of Finance India, Finmin,

The official website of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, contains all the relevanty information related to resolution which contains governments decision on the sixth pay commission report and CCS revised pay rules 2008:

Resolution containing Government's decision on Sixth CPC Report

CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008!

DPS NOIDA Online Nursery admission form, DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, DPS NOIDA Nursery Admission Form, DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NOIDA Nursery Admission Session 2009-2010

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL/DPS NOIDA has opened Nursery admission procedure. The application forms for Nursery admission are available online from 01.09.08 (Monday) 8.00 hrs to 07.09.08 (Sunday) 21.00 hrs.

DPS NOIDA says that the date of meetings with short listed candidates will be available online from 10.09.08, 19.00 hrs to 16.09.08, 19.00 hrs.

It is also mentioned that due to limited number of seats available, all applications may not be accommodated. Only those candidates who are shortlisted will be informed.

All the information related to the final status of the candidates alongwith further detailed instructions will be available on the official website of DPS NOIDA

Kindly note the following pre-conditions for nursery admission:

Residence should be within 8km radius of the school.
On the 30th september, the child should not be less than 3 years or more than 4 years.
Forms are available online and no form will be issued or received either through post or by hand.

You can fill the form by clicking the link below:

Repechage Round!!

Repechage is an interesting rule in wrestling. According to the rules of Repechage Round, the wrestlers who lost to the Finalists need to play among themselves in 2 rounds and the winner of the Repechage Round gets to play with the losing semi-finalists to decide the bronze medal. | Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan!

kvsangathan, K V Sangathan, Kendriya Vidyalayas India

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan website is displaying the following information related to matters of current importance:

There is information regarding the recruitment of Officer Cadres and Non Teaching Posts

Information on filling UP The Post of Technical Officer (Architecture) by Transfer Deputation

Recruitment Of Teaching And Non- Teaching posts (For Filling Up Of Backlog-Reserved Vacancies Of SCs And STs Through Special Recruitment Drive for Year 2007-08)

For more information on The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, you can visit the official website: | press information bureau!, press information ureau, , Sixth Pay Commission notification released

Sixth Pay Commission notification has been released and the 6th pay commission notification is available at:!, Right Concept Marketing, rcm, rcmbusiness, rcm business

Right Concept Marketing (RCM) is a business venture owned by Fashion Suitings Pvt Ltd, Bhilwara, Rajasthan. Right Concept marketing/RCM started in 2008 at a small scale and has gradually developed into a multi-level marketing company with more than 60 lakh distributors, plus 70 depots, more than 300 products and 5000 pick-up centers. For more information about the company, you can see the official website of RCM: | Board of School Education Admit Cards!

Board of School Education Haryana, HBSE, Admit Cards for Board of School Education Haryana from ,Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani

You can find the latest information related to admit cards for open school of the Board of School Education, Haryana. The HBSE website says that candidates can download the admit cards for open school from Monday, September 8th, 2008 at 11 AM.

For more information, you can check the official website of Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani:

Downloading of admit cards:!

www.cee, CAP- Centralised Allotment Process

The allotment process whic was scheduled to begin on August 26, 2008, has been postponed to August 31, 2008. This has been done following the decision of the fees regulatory committee to revise the fees structure applicable to MBBS course in various Self-Financing Colleges.

The facility for re-arrangingn and revising options will be available on the official website: from 10 am on August 25 to 5 pm on August 27.

The allotment, based on the options registered by the candidates will be published on August 31, 2008. The candidates who receive allotment can remit the fees/the balance fees/deposit at the designated branches of the SBT on September 1 and 2.

vtu 6th sem results |!

vtu,, vtu results, results, vtu results 6th sem, 6th semester VTU results, Visvesvaraya Technological University

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has announced the results of VTU 6th Semester. The VTU 6th semester result is available on the official website of Visvesvaraya Technological University:


mat admit card, www.aima, aima, Admit card, aima, MAT 2008 Admit Card

All India Management Association / AIMA will conduct the Management Aptitude Test /MAT on September 7, 2008. The admit card for MAT 2008 is available on the official website of AIMA. To generate the admit card, all you need to do is enter your name or OMR form number on the website and get your admit card. | SBMS Post matric application form!

Social Benefit Management System (SBMS), Post Matric Scholarship form, Andhra Pradesh, is available on the SBMS website. You can get information on SBMS Post matric application form on the following websites:

DU School of Open Learning Results |!, Delhi University results, du,, delhi university, du result, University of Delhi, School of Open Learning Results

For all the results of Delhi University (DU), Graduate and Post Graduate Courses and results of DU School of Open Learning, you can log on to the official website of Delhi University: and the DU School of Open Learning website: http://


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