
Custom Search!,, ANU, Acharya Nagarjuna University is the official website of Acharya Nagarjuna University/ANU. The website contains information on varous aspects of the ANU. It displays information and news on University,Administration,University College & Departments, ANU Affiliated Colleges, Distance Education, Library,Sports & NSS,Courses Offered, PG Admission, Alumini, results and latest news and admission notifications and recruitment. For more information on Acharya Nagarjuna University, please log on to .,

Directorate of treasuries & accounts, Jaipur Rajasthan. is the official website of Directorate of treasuries & accounts, Rajasthan.

The Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts/DTA was setup in the year 1960 and it is the financial and technical controller of all the district treasuries of Rajasthan state.

It is the responsibility of DTA to provide department wise monthly revenue and expenditure details received from the treasuries to Finance Department of Government of Rajasthan. The HQ of DTA office is in Jaipur. The official website of DTA contains information on the Organization, Functions of DTA, department Circulars, Treasuries, Sub Treasuries, Financial Data etc.

osmania university bed results..!

osmania university B.Ed results, BED Nov-2008 Results

Osmania University has announced the BED results of the exams held in Nov 2008. The BEd result is available on the website of Osmania University, Hyderabad. Students can obtain their osmania university B.Ed results by logging on to

nagarjuna university b ed results..!

nagarjuna university b ed results, nagarjuna university b.ed results, acharya nagarjuna university, ANU BEd Result 2008-09

Acharya Nagarjuna University/ANU has announced the Bed 2008 results.The Bed results of Acharya Nagarjuna University are available on the official website of the UNiversity. To obtain your BEd 2008 result, just log on to and enter your registration no in the specified area. All the best!

hsc timetable 2009 , HSC Exam time table..!

hsc exam timetable 2009, hsc timetable, maharashtra board, hsc exam 2009, hsc 2009 timetable, higher secondary certificate Date sheet 2009

The the Maharashtra state board for secondary and higher secondary education will conduct the higher secondary certificate (HSC, class XIIth) and secondary school certificate (SSC, class Xth) exams from February 26, 2009 and March 5, 2009 respectively.

According to information/notification received from the board, the HSC practicals, orals and grade examination will be conducted from February 6, 2009 to Feb 24, 2009. The written examinations will begin on February 26 and end on March 21. The class Xth/SSC practicals, orals and grade exams will be conducted during February 12 to 28, 2009. The written exam will be held from March 5 to 23.

The exams will be conducted by the Pune, Nagpur,Mumbai, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Nashik, Amravati and Latur divisional boards.

We will shortly publish the HSC and SSC 2009 timetable:


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