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CBSE Board Class 1Oth Result 2009 of Delhi, Guwahati And Allahabad regions, CBSE Class Xth 2009 Results of Delhi, Guwahati And Allahabad regions

As per the information available CBSE Board(Central Board of Secondary Education), New Delhi, will announce its High School (Class Xth) 2009 result for Delhi, Guwahati and Allahabad regions after 26th May 2009.

CBSE will announce the Class Xth Exam Results 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions on 26th may at 10:00 hrs. Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi to get their class 10th result. The website is

CBSE Board Class 12th Result 2009 of Chennai, Ajmer And Panchkula regions CBSE Class XIIth 2009 Results of Chennai, Ajmer And Panchkula regions

As per the information available from CBSE Board(Kendriya Madhyamik Shiksha Board), New Delhi, the result of the 12th exam 2009 will be announced on 20th May 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions.Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

UP Board 10th Result 2009, UP Board Result 2009 of Class X,UP Result, UP Board High School Result 2009

As per the information received from Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, the result of UP Board High School exam 2009 would be announced on May 30 , Friday. According to the reports from UP Board sources, the result will be declared on 30th May, 2009.
To obtain the results, you can log on to official website of UP Board

UP Board 12th Result 2009, UP Board Result 2009 of Class XII,UP Result, UP Board Intermediate Result 2009

As per the available information Uttar Pradesh Board of High School & Intermediate Education (UP Board) (UP Board Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad)will announce the intermediate (Class XII) Examination results for 2009 on May 27, Sunday. According to the reports from UP Board sources, the result will be declared on 27th May, 2009.
To obtain the results, you can log on to official website of UP Board

CGBSE Class 10/ Xth results | CGBSE SSC results 2009 | Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education

According to the official information Chattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education(Chattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal) is likely to announce its CGBSE Class 10/ Xth results | CGBSE SSC results 2009 | in coming days.

For more information kindly check this space or their website –

CGBSE SSLC results | CGBSE 12th results 2009 | CGBSE XII result

As per the available information the Chattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education(Chattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal) will announce its SSLC results in few days.

For the latest updates and news on CGBSE SSLC results | CGBSE 12th results 2009 | CGBSE XII result you can visit the official website -

Orissa HSC 2009 results | orissa 10th result | tenth result for orissa

Board of secondary Education Orissa will announce the Orissa HSC 2009 results on June 30, 2009 at 9:00 hrs. It will be available at

As per the available information Board Of Secondary Education BSE, Orissa is likely to announce its High School (Class X) 2009 results in few days. BSE was constitued under the Orissa Secondary Education Act 1953. It is the corporate body which is responsible for developing, controlling and regulating Secondary Education in the state of Orissa.

For the latest updates and news on Orissa HSC 2009 results | orissa 10th result | tenth result for orissa you can visit the official website -

SEBA RESULT 2009 | SEBA HSLC result 2009 | Secondary Education Board of Assam

seba HSLC results 2009, board of secondary education assam, seba result, HSLC, resultssecondary education board of assam

SEBA (the Secondary Education Board of Assam) is expected to announce the results of the SEBA HSLC/AHM examination 2009, in the coming days. The exam was conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam. For further information on SEBA results, you can log on to the official results website of Assam.


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