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CAT 2009 | CAT Exam 2009 | Common Admission Test

iim ahemdabad, common admission test 2009, cat exam 2009, FAQ’s on CAT, Frequently asked questions released, iim released cat exam faq’s

According to the available information the Indian Institute Of Management (IIM-A) released few frequently asked questions(FAQ’s) regarding Common Entrance Test (CAT) on 6th August 2009.

Following are the FAQ’s released by IIM-A :-

CAT 2009: Frequently Asked Questions (6 August 2009, IIM-A Release)

Q1: When is the advertisement for CAT 2009 going to appear?A1: CAT Advertisement will appear in leading newspapers on Sunday, 30 August 2009.

Q2: Once the advertisement appears, is one expected to buy CAT bulletin from designated banks?A2: No. One does not have to buy a bulky CAT bulletin. We want to go paperless. A prospective candidate buys a scratch-voucher from the designated bank branches, and, later registers online for CAT 2009.

Q3: When does the sale of voucher start and end?A3: Sale of vouchers starts on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 at designated bank branches and their associate outlets. The sale ends on Thursday, 1 October 2009.

Q4: When and how do I register for CAT 2009 after buying the voucher?A4: Online registration for CAT 2009 will also begin on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 and end on Thursday, 1 October 2009. Instructions on access to online registration will be given in the voucher, and, detailed registration instructions will be on the CAT website.

Q5: When will CAT be held and can I choose a test date?A5: CAT will be held during the period Saturday, 28 November 2009 – Monday, 7 December 20009. Yes, you can choose a test date, session (morning/afternoon), and venue across thirty centres (cities) all over India, subject to availability.

Q6: Can you give more details on taking test in a CBT format?A6: Starting Sunday, 30 August 2009, CAT website (CAT - IIM 2008 - Home) will provide all the details.

The official document can be downloaded from here.
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