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hp university BA result | Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla B.A.II Exam result 2009

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HimachalPradesh University, Shimla hasannounced the results of BA part 2 exam,which was held in march 2009. The HImachalPradesh University hasannouncedthe results of Candidates Appeared in Compartment Subjects as well as Candidates who Appeared in Compartment Subjects. You can obtain your HP University BA part 2 2009 exam results on

full form of h1n1 | What is A H1N1 virus

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The deadly Swine Flu influenza that has spread almost all over the world, is giving sleepless nights to people all over. People all over are scared and seeking information from all the sources.

The words ‘H’ and ‘N’ in the H1N1 stand for two proteins found on the surface of the swine flu virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses possess hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structures of these proteins are different from strain to strain, due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome.

IGNOU Bed Admit Card | IGNOU B.Ed.2009 Entrance Hall Ticket

Downlaod Bed AdmitCard, Indira Gandhi National Open University B.Ed. exam 2009 Admit card

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is going to conduct BEd entranceexam on August 2009. To get your IGNOU Bed entrance exam Admit Card online, you just need to log on to and enter your name or enrollment number and if you already have an enrollment number, you can type the number to download IGNOU bed entrance exam 2009 hall tickrt/admitcard.

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Google is going to launch Google Caffeine, a new and upgraded version of its search engine anytime soon in future. Googlet, the search giant released the developer’s preview of the Google Caffeine on August 10th 2009. According to Google, the new search tool (codename “ Google Caffeine”) will improve the accuracy, speed, size and comprehensiveness of Google search. Lets keep our fingers crossed and see hoe Google Caffine fares!

iit roorkee mms | iit roorkee mms Clip | IIT Roorkee MMS Scandal

This time IIT Roorkie is news on negative grounds. An alleged MMS of IIT Roorkee staff members hasbeen seen making rounds of internet. The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, has constituted a 3-membercommittee to probe into this alleged obscene MMS, of two of its staff members.

The 5-minute alleged video clip/MMs shows a woman and a manand this MMS isis alleged to have been shot by the man on his mobile phone. The clerical staff of IIT Roorkee has demanded stern action against their male colleague for allegedly shooting the video and later circulating it.

irctc login | irctc registration | iNDIAN RAILWAY irctc ticket booking login

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IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited), a sister concern of Indian railways, provides for online ticket booking through internet. For making Indian Railways online reservation, one needs to login to the IRCTC website. The site asks for username and password. One has to sign-up for getting IRCTC login username and password. After that one can login and see the status of their query on:


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