
Custom Search | is the official website of ISRO Bhuvan. Bhuvan is the Indian version of Gooele Earth and some images of any part of the world on their computer using satellite images with ISRO. ISRO Bhuvan's the beta version of the service was launched on August 11, 2009.

Using, the new web-based tool, one can have a closer look at any part of the Indian subcontinent except a few sensitive locations such as military and nuclear installations.

direct tax code | new Direct Tax Code India

India’s direct tax laws are now all set to become really simple for taxpayers. The government of India will on Wednesday unveil the new Direct Tax Code
that aims at simplifying and rationalise the existing tax provisions and structure.

Direct tax code will be unveiled Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, who will release a draft of the code and a discussion paper. The new direct tax code, which aims at changing the face of direct taxes in India. The direct tax code also aims to replace the current Income-tax Act that was brought into prectise about 50 years ago. Direct tax code will provide for tax calculators, which will allow taxpayers to calculate their own taxes.

Perseids India | Perseids Showers 2009 | Perseids 2009

perseids in india, perseids showers 2009, the perseid meteor shower, perseid meteor shower 2009, perseids meteor shower

Perseids Showers is referred to celestial fireworks. Good news for aky gazers across India as they can expect to see some celestial fireworks on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The night sky will be lit up by the Perseid meteor shower.

The Perseid meteor phenomenon will originate in the northeastern sky, near the constellation Perseus, and shoot off in all directions forming a spectacular view in the sky.

The meteor shower Perseids is expected to be on its peak on Tuesday and Wednesday night, when there will be about 30 to 200 shooting stars every hour.


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