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5th pay commission punjab | Punjab Fifth Pay Commission Implementation

5th pay commission punjab salary revision, fifth pay commission of panjab salary allowances

The Punjab government on August 12 notified that the employees would get their allowances with revised salaries following the implementation of the Punjab Fifth Pay Commission.

According to the Punjab Government, the revised salaries, with new allowances, will be effective from August 1, 2009 and the new salaries will be paid to employees by the end of this month.

Punjab Fifth Pay Commission report regarding new pay scales was already notified but notification for the allowances was pending.

The Punjab government has decided to retain the old classification of cities (2003), for the HRA hence the revised HRA will be paid according to the old classification of cities.

For Cities with a population of 50 lakh and above, the HRA will be 30 per cent of the basic pay
For cities within population of 5 lakh and 50 lakh range, the HRA will be paid 20 per cent of the basic pay.
For employees posted in Patiala and Bathinda, the HRA is 15 per cent.
Those employees posted in cities with more than 50,000, but less than 5 lakh population, the HRA will be 12.5 per cent, and
Those residing in cities or towns less than 50,000 people, including villages, will get 10 per cent of pay as HRA.

BBM 4th sem results | Bangalore University BBM fourth semester result

bbm 4th sem results, Bangalore University IV Semester Results

Bangalore University is going to announce the BBM 4the semester results very soon.

Students can get the latest update on BBM 4th sem results on the website,

In the last couple of days, Bangalore University has already published the results for IV Semester, BCA IV Semester, LLB II semester, BHM VIII Semester, BSc IV Semester, BA VI Semester, B.Sc VI Semester, B.Com VI Semester, LB VI Semester.

Anna University Coimbatore exam Results 2009

Anna University Coimbatore 4th sem, Anna University Coimbatore MBA ALL TRIMESTERS, Arrear results all programs, second sem, Third semester, Fourth semester results

Anna University Coimbatore has anbnounced the results of the following programmes. The xams for these programmes were held in the last 8 months.

Results for the Fourth Semester(ALL PROGRAMMES) June '09
Results for MBA(ALL TRIMESTERS) July'09
Arrear Results for the I and II Semester(ALL PROGRAMMES) Jan '09
Results for the Second Semester July '09
Results for the Fourth Semester(ALL PROGRAMMES) June '09
Results for First Semester UG/PG Jan'09
Results for Third Semester UG/PG Dec'08

scte vt orissa result | SCTEVT Orissa diploma results

State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training Orissa results, SCTEVT Orissa diploma exam results 6th Semester, 5th Semester (B.P.), 4th Semester (Ex Reg) and 2nd Semester (Ex Reg) results

State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training or SCTEVT Orissa takes care of imparting diploma and training in the state of Orissa. The council (SCTEVT Orissa) comes under DTET ( Directorate of Technical Education, Orissa).

State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training (SCTE & VT Orissa) has announced the Diploma Results for 2nd Semester, 4th Semester, 5th Semester and 6th Semester Examination. you can get your SCETVEt Orissa diploma results on :

jntu kakinada 1st year results jntu kakinada First yr Btech results

JNTU Kakinada B.Tech Regular/Supplementary R07 & R05 Examination Results -June 2009

JNTU Kakinada has announced the 1st year B.Tech Regular/Supplementary R07 & R05 Examination Results, for which exams were held in June 2009. JNTU (jawaharlal nehru technological university) kakinada is one of the top engineering institutes in India. You can get JNTU Kakinada results on the official website of JNTU Kakinada :


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