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swine flu symptoms india | Swine Flu in India

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Swine Flu Symptoms

Swine Flu in India is spreadingveryfasy. More than 5 people have died in the last one month due to swine flu. The first symptoms of swine flu are fever (greater than 100°F ), sore throat, body ache and fatigue. Some patients of swine flu have also complained about running nose, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Thouh these are symptoms of swine flu but they alone would not suggest that a person is infected by Swine Flu. It can be confirmed only after testing a respiratory specimen, that’s taken from the suspected case within the first four to five days.

mcu result | makhanlal chaturvedi University exam results 2009

Makhanlal University BCA Results 2009 | Makhanlal University PGDCA Results 2009 | Makhanlal chaturvedi national university of journalism and communication bhopal, mcrpv

Makhanlal chaturvedi national university of journalism and communication Bhopal has announced the results of June 2009 Semester Exams of BCA, PGDCA & DCA Courses. The results of MCU BCA, PGDCA and DCA exam are available on official website of Makhanlal chaturved University:

West Bengal State University BEd result | B ed result 2009 | WBSU B.Ed

West Bengal State University Board of Examiner of the B. Ed. Examination decided in their recent meeting on 6th August, 2009 that they will decide on Bed results announcement in their next meeting on 12th August, 2009. The results of Only after that meeting of B. Ed. Examination will be announced after the BOE meeting. For more information on West Bengal State University BEd result, please visit,

GNDU b.ed result 2009 | Guru nanak dev University Bed exam results 2009

Guru nanak dev University /GNDU Amritsar offers education in various subjects. GNDU Amritsar is one of the prestigious universities of Punjab. GNDU also offers Bed/ bachelor of Education course for preparing students for a career in teaching and education at school level. For information related to GNDU BEd exam results etc, you cn log on to the official website of Guru nanak Dev University, Amritsar,

osmania university mba results 2009 | osmania university hyderabad mba result

Osmania university of Hyderabad has announced the results of MBA exam held in November/ December 2009. These results of Osmania university MBAexam 2009 are available on Osmania University official Website. You can obtain your MBAresults from

sbi online application form | sbi clerk application form | sbi bank recruitment 2009

statebankofindia recruitment, sbi clerk exam application form, sbi, state bank of india clerical exam online form, sbi online application, sbi bank clerks online application form

State Bank of India has announced the vacancy for clerical grade employees. The total number of SBI clerk is 1100. The SBI clerks applicartion has to be filled in through an online application form, which is to be filled online at the official website of the State Bank of India/SBI.

Application Fee for SBI Clerk grade exam : Rs. 250/- (for SC/ST/PWD/XS Rs.50/- only) to be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India on a prescribed deposit slip and get receipt. Details of the application fee payment should be enteredwhile filling the online application form.

How to Apply: Candidates have to apply Online at SBI website between 01/08/2009 and 15/09/2009.

Important Dates for SBI clerks exam:

Start of Online submission of Application : 01/08/2009
Last date of Online submission of Application : 15/09/2009
Date of Written Examination : 08/11/09 and 15/11/2009


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