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Haryana HSCS DET Results | diploma results of det in haryana 2009

Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET Result, Haryana diploma result 2009, Haryana HSCS DET & DIET exam 2009 result

Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS has announced the Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET examination 2009 result.

Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS, under the Department of Technical Education of Haryana government conducted the DET and DIET entrance test on June 21 and June 28, 2009.

harayana DET & DIET exam 2009 was conducted for polytechnic admission in diploma in engineering, diploma in engineering lateral entry, diploma in pharmacy and diploma in management.

You can get the results at

CEPT Ahmedabad Merit List And Result 2009 | CEPT University Merit List And Results

Centre for environmental planning and technology results, cept merit list 2009,

Centre For Environmental Planning And Technology (CEPT) Ahmedabad offers programs in the areas of natural and built environment.

According to the available information CEPT declared its results and merit list for its postgraduate courses.

For results and more information on CEPT Ahmedabad Merit List And Result 2009 | CEPT University Merit List And Results kindly visit the official website -


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