Indian Overseas Bank Clerical vacancy, Indian Overseas Bank Clerk
Indian Overseas Bank/IOB has announced vacancies for clerical posts and invited applications. the interested candidates are requested to apply for the clerical job in the Indian Overseas Bank online between 06.12.2008 and 31.12.2008 only through the Bank’s website: www.iob.in.
Note: No other means/mode of application will be accepted for this vacancy.
No of Vacancy: 1000
Opening date for online registration: 06.12.2008
Closing date for online registration: 31.12.2008
Date of Written Test of IndianOverseas Bank clerical job: 01.02.2009 (Sunday)
Emoluments/Salary for the post of clerical cadre : Pay Scale of Rs. 4410 p.m --- Rs. 13210 p.m plus DA, HRA, CCA etc as per Bipartite Settlement amended from time to time.
For more information on Indian Overseas bank Clerical post eligibility, how to apply etc please visit the Bank's website:www.iob.in
www.uppc2008.up.nic.in is the official website of UP pay Committee 2008. On the basis of the recommendations of the sixth pay commission, government of India, the Uttar Pradesh government has constituted a Pay Committe, called UP pay committee 2008. The committee will be headed by retd IAS officer, SAT Rizwi. The other members of the UP pay committe 2008 will be Alok Ranjan, BN Dixit and Ajay Aggarwal. For more information on the pay committee, please visit the official website:
RRC Kolkata,Railway Recruitment Cell Kolkata , rrcer.com
Railway Recruitment Cell /RRC, Eastern Railway, Kolkata was created with the aim of making recruitment to all the Group-D posts on Eastern Railway of India. It carries out advertisement related to recruitment/vacancies, interview, final selection of candidates etc. For information related to Forthcoming schedule, Tender and Notices, Forms, Selection Procedure and Instructions, please visit the official website of Railway Recruitment Cell Kolkata:
west bengal school service commission ,.! wbssc
The west bengal school service commission/WBSSC has announced the tentative vacancy for 9th RLST AT/Assistant Teachers for various reasons. You can find more information related to the advertised vacancies on the official website of the WBSSC.
Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) exercises direct control over all the Railway Recruitment Boards in India. The Chairman of the RRCB is Member Staff of the Railway Board (who is also Ex-Officio Secretary to Government of India).
Railway Recruitment Control Board works as a supervising body over railway recruitment in India. For more information related to Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB), its functioning, role etc. please visit the official website:
Osmania University BA BCom BSc Supplementary Result 2008..!
Osmania University, Hyderabad has announced the supplementary results of examinations held in October 2008. The suppli result for the following courses have been announced:
BA (Suppl)Oct 2008,
B.Com(Suppli) Oct 2008
B.Sc (Suppli) Oct 2008
MTNL 3G Jadoo | MTNL 3G Jadoo Phone Service!!!
MTNL/Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited 3G service is called MTNL 3G Jadoo. As it is just a soft-launch of 3G Jadoo, only some parts of Delhi would have access to the 3G phone service. The areas to be covered are CP/Rajiv Chowk, India Gate, Rajaji Marg, Pragati Maidan, Sanchar Bhawan, Delhi Gate, and Minto Road.
Initially the MTNL 3G Jadoo is being offered free as the company wants its customers to get a feel of 3G's capabilities. MTNL will eventually announce a commercial tariff plan and the registration for 3G Jadu will start after the commercial launch.
Mumbai too will have a MTNL 3G Jadoo soft-launch after two months and the first phase would include areas between the Airport and Prabhadevi.
COMEDK / Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka will conduct COMEDK PGET-2009. It is a separate entrance test for admision into Medical and Dental Post Graduate courses. COMEDK PGET-2009 will be conducted for candidates seeking admission into Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental sciences.
COMEDK PGET-2009 entrance test will be conducted for use by COMEDK Member Institutions only. The entrance test is compulsory for candidates seeking admission into the PG courses in COMEDK member institutions. It should be noted that the COMEDK PGET-2009 test scores are valid only for admission during the academic year 2009-2010.
The COMEDK PGET-2009 will be conducted at various center in Bangalore on 8th February 2009.
POWERGRID is a Navratna Public Sector Enterprise. Power Grid is one of the largest transmission utilities in the world. It transmits about 45 per cent of the total power generated in India on its transmission network.
Powergrid has India wide presence. It has around 68000 Circuit Kms of Transmission network and 115 of EHVAC & HVDC sub-stations with a total transformation capacity of 75,000 MVA.
POWERGRID corporation has also diversified itself into teleecom business and has established a tele communication network of more than 19,000 Kms across length and breadth of India. For more information on Pwergrid, please visit the official website:
MTNL 3G | MTNL 3G Phone service!
MTNL Launches 3G Services in New Delhi, MTNL 3G Launch, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited third Generation
The state owned telecom operator, MTNL is going to offer 3G phone services. MTNL will offer the 3G high-speed data mobile phone free services initially to its high-spending mobile customers for a period of two months on a trial basis.
The 3G service of MTNL is expected to be launched by Dr Manmohan Singh, during the Indian Telecom Summit in New Delhi.
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited/MTNL will launch the 3G service in Delhi followed by Mumbai in two months. The network for roll out of 3G services in Delhi is not fully complete yet that is the reason why the 3rd generation service will be restricted initially to the New Delhi Municipal Corporation/NDMC area and National Capital Region of Gurgaon.
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research /CSIR is a premier national Research and development organisation. Human Resource Development Group /HRDG is a division of CSIR/Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and realises theobjective of S&T human resource development through various grants, fellowship schemes etc.
CSIR's Human Resource Development Group/HRDG has made great contribution towards producing a fast growing knowledge economy. At present, the official website of HRDG displays latest information related to the following:
Syllabus for Joint CSIR UGC Test for JRF & LS (NET)
Registration status CSIR-UGC NET DEC 2008
Model questions for CSIR UGC NET for JRF & LS
www.mca.gov.in is the official website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs India. The Ministry Corporate Affairs is chiefly concerned with administration of the Companies Act, 1956, other allied Acts and rules & regulations framed for regulating the functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law in India.
The website is a platform for information on:
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