uptu counselling, uptu off campus online counselling 2009, uptu counseling 2009, uptu offline counselling, uptu online counselling Procedure
Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) counselling procedure is divided in two phases- UPTU Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling and UPTU Phase-II: On-Campus On-line Counselling.
The Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling will be held between 05-07-09 TO 08-07-2009 and the Phase-II On-Campus On-line Counselling will be held between 10-07-09 TO 17-08-2009.
For a detailed information on UPTU online counselling, you can refer to http://seeuptu.nic.in/PROCEDURE.asp

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MAT September 2009 | MAT Test
Management aptitude test 2009, September mat, mat 2009, September 2009 Mat
All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts Management Aptitude Test (MAT) for admissions in post graduation degree and diploma programs. All students who are graduate from any discipline from a recognized university can sit for MAT. Final year students can also apply.
Last date for availability of MAT Bulletin is 10th August 2009 and Last date of receipt of filled form at AIMA New Delhi is 13th August 2009.
According to the available information the MAT Test 2009 will be conducted on 6th September 2009 at 10:00 a.m – 12:30 p.m.
For more details and information on MAT September 2009 | MAT Test kindly visit the official website - http://www.aima-ind.org/
All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts Management Aptitude Test (MAT) for admissions in post graduation degree and diploma programs. All students who are graduate from any discipline from a recognized university can sit for MAT. Final year students can also apply.
Last date for availability of MAT Bulletin is 10th August 2009 and Last date of receipt of filled form at AIMA New Delhi is 13th August 2009.
According to the available information the MAT Test 2009 will be conducted on 6th September 2009 at 10:00 a.m – 12:30 p.m.
For more details and information on MAT September 2009 | MAT Test kindly visit the official website - http://www.aima-ind.org/

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