www.jharkhandonline.gov.in, Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) 2009, JCECEB PGMAT 2009 Application Form
The Application form for JCECEB can be obtained from the following Branches of Post Offices:
R.M.C.H. Post Office, RIMS Colony, Ranchi
B.C.C.L. Township Post Office, Dhanbad
M.G.M. Post Office, Jamshedpur
you can download the JCECEB application form and details from http://www.jharkhandonline.gov.in from 15th January 2009. The last date for submission of filled up applications is 6th February, 2009

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makhanlal university Computer Courses Dec 2008 exam results
MCU computer course results dec 2008,
makhanlal patrakarita viswavidyala (university ), Bhopal has announced the Results of December 2008 exams of Computer Courses. To know your computer courses results for the exams held in the month of December 2009, you can log on to the following web address and know your result: http://www.oswaldata.com/mlcv/default.asp
makhanlal patrakarita viswavidyala (university ), Bhopal has announced the Results of December 2008 exams of Computer Courses. To know your computer courses results for the exams held in the month of December 2009, you can log on to the following web address and know your result: http://www.oswaldata.com/mlcv/default.asp

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