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AIPMT Syllabus | CBSE PMT Physics, Chemistry, Biology Syllabus!
AIPMT Pre exam syllabus, CBSE PMT exam Physics, Chemistry, Biology syllabus and pattern
The Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, will conduct the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT),2010 pre exam on April 03, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M and AIPMT main exam on May 16, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. Here is the comprehensive syllabus for AIPMT 2010 pre and main exam.
AIPMT physics Syllabus for Pre and Main exam
Unit : 1 Introduction and Measurement
What is Physics? Scope and excitement; Physics in relation to science, society and technology; Need for measurement of physical quantities, units for measurement, systems of units-SI : fundamental and derived units. Dimensions of physical quantities. Dimensional analysis and its applications. Orders of magnitude, Accuracy and errors in measurement – random and instrumental errors, Significant figures and rounding off the numbers.
Graphs, Trigonometric functions, Concepts of differentiation and integration.
Unit : 2 Description of Motion in One Dimension
Objects in motion in one dimension, Motion in straight line, Uniform and non-uniform motion, its graphical representation and formulae, speed and velocity, relative velocity, average speed and instantaneous velocity. Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time graph, position-time graph and their formulae. Relations for uniformly accelerated motion with examples. Acceleration in one-dimensional motion.
Unit : 3 Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Vectors and scalars quantities, vectors in two and three dimensions, vector addition and multiplication by a real number, null-vector and its properties. Resolution of a vector in a plane, rectangular components. Scalar and vector products. Motion in two dimensions, cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration-projectile motion, general relation among position-velocity-acceleration for motion in a plane and uniform circular motion. Motion of objects in three dimensional space (elementary ideas).
Unit : 4 Laws of Motion
Force and inertia, first law of motion. Momentum, second law of motion, impulse, examples of different kinds of forces in nature. Third law of motion, conservation of momentum, rocket propulsion. Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and kinetic frictions, laws of friction, rolling friction, lubrication, Inertial and non-inertial frames (elementary ideas).
Unit : 5 Work, Energy and Power
Work done by a constant force and by a variable force, unit of work, energy and power. Work Energy Theorem. Elastic and in-elastic collisions in one and two dimensions. Notions of potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy : gravitational potential energy, and its conversion to kinetic energy, potential energy of a spring. Conservative forces. Different forms of energy, mass-energy equivalence, conservation of energy.
Unit : 6 Rotational Motion
Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of rigid body, general motion of a rigid body, nature of rotational motion, rotational motion of a single particle in two dimensions only, torque, angular momentum and its geometrical and physical meaning, conservation of angular momentum, examples of circular motion (car on a level circular road, car on banked road, pendulum swinging in a vertical plane). Moment of inertia, its physical significance, moment inertia of uniform bodies with simple geometrical shapes, parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorem (statements only), Comparison between translatory (linear) and rotational motion.
Unit : 7 Gravitation
Acceleration due to gravity, one and two dimensional motion under gravity. Universal law of gravitation, inertial and gravitational mass, variations in the acceleration due to gravity of the earth, statement of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, orbital velocity, geostationary satellites, gravitational potential, gravitational potential energy near the surface of earth, escape velocity, weightlessness.
Unit : 8 Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermal equilibrium and temperature ( zeroth law of thermodynamics). Heat, work and internal energy. Specific heat, specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure of ideal gas and relation between them. First law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic state, equation of state and isothermals, pressure-temperature phase diagram. Thermodynamic processes (reversible, irreversible, isothermal, adiabatic). Carnot cycle, second law of thermodynamics, efficiency of heat engines. Entropy. Transfer of heat : conduction, convection and radiation. Newton ’s law of cooling.
Thermal conductivity. Black body radiation, Wien’s law, Solar constant and surface temperature of the sun, Stefan’s law,
Unit : 9 Oscillations
Periodic and oscillatory motions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation of motion. Oscillations due to a spring, kinetic energy and potential energy in S.H.M., Simple pendulum, physical concepts of forced oscillations, resonance and damped oscillations; Simple examples.
Unit : 10 Waves
Longitudinal and transverse waves and wave motion, speed of progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves; reflection of waves, harmonic waves (qualitative treatment only), standing waves. Normal modes and its graphical representation. Beats, Doppler effect.
Unit : 11 Electrostatics
Frictional electricity, charges and their conservation, unit of charge, Coulomb’s law, dielectric constant, electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric potential – its physical meaning, potential due to a di-pole, di-pole field and behaviour of dipole in a uniform (2-dimensional) electric field. Flux, Statement of Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find electric field due to uniformly charged simple systems. Conductors and insulators, presence of free charges and bound charges inside a conductor, Capacitance (parallel plate), Dielectric material and its effect on capacitance (concept only), capacitances in series and parallel, energy of a capacitor. Van de Graff generator.
Unit : 12 Current Electricity
Introduction (flow of current), sources of e.m.f., cells : simple, secondary, chargeable, combinations of cells in series and parallel. Electric current, resistance of different materials, temperature dependence, thermistor, specific resistivity, colour code for carbon resistors. Ohm’s law and its limitation. Superconductors (elementary ideas). Kirchoff’s laws, resistances in series and parallel, Wheatstone’s bridge, measurement of resistance. Potentiometer – measurement of e.m.f. and internal resistance of a cell.
Unit : 13 Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents
Electric power, heating effects of current and Joule’s law. Thermoelectricity: Seebeck effect, measurement of temperature using thermocouple. Chemical effects and Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
Unit : 14 Magnetic Effect of Currents
Oersted’s observation, Biot-Savart’s law (magnetic field due to an element of current), magnetic field due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field (Lorentz force), cyclotron (simple idea), forces and torques on currents in a magnetic field, forces between two currents, definition of ampere, moving coil galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter. Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter/ammeter.
Unit : 15 Magnetism
Bar magnet (comparison with a solenoid), magnetic lines of force, torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field, earth’s magnetic field as a bar magnet, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer. Para, dia and ferromagnetic substances with examples (simple idea). Electromagnets and permanent magnets.
Unit : 16 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s Law, induced emf, self and mutual inductance. Alternating current, and voltage, impedance and reactance; A.C. circuits containing inductance, capacitance and resistance; phase relationships, and power in a.c. circuits, L.C oscillations. Electrical machines and devices (transformer, induction coil, generator, simple motors, choke and starter), eddy current.
Unit : 17 Electromagnetic Waves (Qualitative Treatment)
Electromagnetic oscillations, brief history of electromagnetic waves (Maxwell, Hertz, Bose, Marconi). Electromagnetic spectrum (radio, micro-waves, infra-red, optical, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays) including elementary facts about their uses, propagation of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere.
Unit : 18 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Ray optics as a limiting case of wave optics. Phenomena of reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection. Optical fibre. Curved mirrors, lenses; mirror and lens formulae. Dispersion by a prism. Spectrometer. Absorption and emission spectra. Scattering and formation of rainbow. Telescope (astronomical), microscope, their magnifications and resolving powers.
Unit : 19 Electrons and Photons
Discovery of electron, e/m for an electron, electrical conduction in gases, photoelectric effect, particle nature of light, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, photocells. Matter waves – wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation, Davison and Germer experiment.
Unit : 20 Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Rutherford model of the atom, Bohr model, energy quantization. Hydrogen spectrum. Composition of nucleus, atomic masses, binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus, its variation with mass number, isotopes, size of nucleus. Radioactivity : properties of a, b and g rays. Mass energy relation, nuclear fission and fusion.
Unit : 21 Solids and Semiconductor Devices
Crystal structure-Unit cell; single, poly and liquid crystals (concepts only). Energy bands in solids, difference between conductors, insulators and semi-conductors using band theory. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors,
p-n junction, semiconductor diodes, junction transistor, diode as rectifier, solar cell, photo diode, LED, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, transistor as an amplifier and oscillator. Combination of gates. Elementary ideas about IC.
AIPMT CHEMISTRY Syllabus for Pre and Main exam
Unit : 1 Some basic concepts in Chemistry
Importance of Chemistry, physical quantities and their measurement in Chemistry, SI Units, uncertainty in measurements and use of significant figures, Unit and dimensional analysis, Matter and its nature, laws of chemical combinations, atomic, and molecular, masses mole concept, molar masses, percentage composition and molecular formula, chemical stoichiometry.
Unit : 2 States of matter
Three states of matter, gaseous state, gas laws (Boyle’s Law and Charles Law), Avogadro’s Law, Grahams’Law of diffusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gases, real gases and deviation from ideal behaviour, van der Waals’ equation, liquefaction of gases and critical points, Intermolecular forces; liquids and solids.
Unit : 3 Atomic structure
Earlier atomic models (Thomson’s and Rutherford) , emission spectrum of hydrogen atom, Bohr’s model, of hydrogen atom, Limitations of Bohr’s model, dual nature of matter and radiation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum mechanical model of atom (quantum designation of atomic orbitals and electron energy in terms of principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers), electronic spin and spin quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, general idea of screening (constants) of outer electrons by inner electrons in an atom, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, atomic orbitals and their pictorial representation, electronic configurations of elements.
Unit : 4 Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
Need and genesis of classification of elements (from Doebereiner to Mendeleev), Modern periodic law and present form of periodic table, Nomenclature of elements with atomic number > 100, electronic configurations of elements and periodic table, electronic configuration and types of elements and s, p, d and f blocks, periodic trends in properties of elements (atomic size, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence/ oxidation states and chemical reactivity).
Unit : 5 Chemical energetics
Some basic concepts in thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, heat capacity, measurement of DU and DH, calorimetry, standard enthalpy changes, thermochemical equations, enthalpy changes during phase transformations, Hess’s Law, standard enthalpies of formation, bond enthalpies and calculations based on them.
Unit : 6 Chemical bonding
Kossel -Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, polarity of bonds and concept of electronegativity, valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory , shapes of simple molecules, valence bond theory, hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of molecules s and p bonds; Molecular orbital theory involving homounclear diatomic molecules; Hydrogen-bonding.
Unit : 7 Equilibrium
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic equilibrium, law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant, homogeneous equilibrium, heterogenous equilibrium, application of equilibrium constants, Relationship between reaction quotient Q, equilibrium constant, K and Gibbs’ energy G; factors affecting equilibrium-Le Chateliar’s principle.
Ionic equilibrium
Acids, Bases and Salts and their ionization, weak and strong electrolytes degree of ionization and ionization constants, concept of pH, ionic product of water, buffer solution, common ion effect, solubility of sparingly soluble salts and solubility products.
Unit : 8 Redox reactions
Electronic concepts of reduction - oxidation, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing of redox reactions.
Unit : 9 Solid state Chemistry
Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids; unit cells in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of a unit cell, packing in solids, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties.
Unit : 10 Chemical thermodynamics
Spontaneous processes, energy and spontaneity , entropy and second law of thermodynamics, concept of absolute entropy, Gibbs energy and spontaneity, Gibbs energy change and equilibrium constant.
Unit : 11 Solutions
Types of solutions, different units for expressing concentration of solution, mole fraction, percentage (by volume and mass both), definitions of dilute solutions, vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult’s Law, Colligative properties, lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling points and osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal values of molecular masses, van’t Hoff factor. simple numerical problems.
Unit : 12 Chemical kinetics
Rate of chemical reactions, factors, affecting rates of reactions –concentration, temperature and catalyst, order and molecularity of reactions, rate law and rate constant, differential and integral forms of first order reaction, half-life (only zero and first order) characteristics of first order reaction, effect of temperature on reactions, Arrhenius theory - activation energy, collision theory of reaction rate (no derivation).
Unit : 13 Electrochemistry
Conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variation of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law, electrolysis and laws of electrolysis (elementary idea), electrolytic and galvanic cells, emf. of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation, concentration cell, fuel cells, cell potential and Gibbs energy, dry cell and lead accumulator.
Unit : 14 Surface chemistry
Adsorption - physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity, enzyme catalysis, colloidal state, distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic, multimolecular and macromolecular colloids, properties of colloids, Tyndal effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation, emulsions - type of emulsions.
Unit :15 Hydrogen
Position of hydrogen in periodic table, isotopes of hydrogen, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide-preparation, reactions and structures; hydrides and their classification.
Unit :16 s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals):
Group 1 and Group 2 elements
Electronic configurations and general trends in physical and chemical properties, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship.
Preparation and properties of some important compounds, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrogen carbonate and industrial uses of lime and limestone, biological significance of Na, K, Mg and Ca.
Unit :17 General principles and processes of isolation of elements
Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction, (chemical and electrolytic methods), and refining.
Occurrence and principles of extraction of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe.
Unit :18 p-Block Elements
Introduction to p-block elements
Electronic configurations and general trends in properties, viz. atomic sizes, ionization enthalpies, electronegativity values, electron gain enthalpies and oxidation states across the periods and down the groups in the p-block.
Unique behaviour of the top element in each group of the block - the covalency limit and the pp - pp overlap in some molecules (e.g. N2, O2) and its consequences; general trend in catenation tendency down each group.
Group-wise study of the p-block Elements
Group 13 - In addition to the general characteristics as outlined above, properties and uses of aluminium, nature of hydrides/ halides and oxides; Properties, structures and uses of diborane boron halides, aluminium chloride, borax, boric acid and alums.
Group 14 - In addition to the general characteristics; carbon – catenation, allotropic forms (diamond and graphite), properties and structures of oxides; silicon - silicon tetrachloride, and structures and uses of silicates, silicones and zeolites.
Group 15 - In addition to the general characteristics, the general trends in the nature and structures of hydrides, halides and oxides of these elements. Preparation and properties of ammonia, nitric acid, phosphine and halides of phosphorus, structures of the oxoacids of phosphorus.
Group 16 - In addition to the general characteristics, preparations, properties and uses of dioxygen, simple oxides, ozone; sulphur - allotropic forms, compounds of sulphur, preparation, properties and uses of sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid, industrial preparations of sulphuric acid, structures of oxoacids of sulphur.
Group 17 - In addition to the general characteristics, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, oxides and oxoacids of halogens (structures only), preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid, trends in the acidic nature of hydrogen halides. Interhalogen compounds (structures only).
Group 18 - General introduction, electronic configurations, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties and uses, - fluorides and oxides of xenon (structures only).
Unit :19 The d-and f-Block elements
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals –physical properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic property, interstitial compounds, alloy formation; preparations and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.
Lanthanoids - Electronic configuration and oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction.
Actinoids - Electronic configuration and oxidation states.
Unit :20 Coordination compounds
Introduction to ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties, and shapes; IUPAC - nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, isomerism , bonding-valence bond approach to the bonding and basic ideas of Crystal Field Theory, colour and magnetic properties. Elementary ideas of metal - carbon bonds and organometallic compounds, importance of co-ordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems).
Unit :21 Some basic principles of Organic Chemistry
- Tetravalence of carbon, hybridization ( s and p ), shapes of simple molecules, functional groups:-C=C-, -CC-and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur; homologous series, isomerism.
- General introduction to naming organic compounds-trivial names and IUPAC nomenclature.
- Electronic displacement in a covalent bond; inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation. Fission of covalent bond: free radicals, electrophiles and nucleophiles, carbocations and carbonanions.
- Common types of organic reactions: substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement reactions.
Unit :22 Hydrocarbons
Alkanes and cycloalkanes : classification of hydrocarbons, alkanes and cycloalkanes, nomenclature and conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes.
Alkenes and alkynes : Nomenclature and isomerism, general methods of preparation, properties (physical and chemical), mechanism of electrophilic addition, Markownikoff’s rule, peroxide effect, acidic character of alkynes, polymerisation reactions.
Aromatic hydrocarbons : Benzene and its homologues, nomenclature, sources of aromatic hydrocarbons (coal and petroleum), structure of benzene, chemical reaction of benzene-mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Directive influence of substituents and their effect on reactivity.
Petroleum and petrochemicals : Composition of crude oil fractionation and uses, quality of gasoline, LPG, CNG, cracking and reforming, petrochemicals.
Unit :23 Purification and characterization of carbon compounds
- Purification of carbon compounds : filtration, crystallisation, sublimation, distillation chromatography,
- Qualitative analysis : detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens.
- Quantitative analysis : estimation of different elements (H, N, halogens, S and P)
- Determination of molecular masses : Silver salt method, chloroplatinate salt method, calculations of empirical and molecular formulas.
Unit :24 Organic compounds with functional groups containing halogens (X)
- Nature of C-X bond in haloalkanes and haloarenes, nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of substitution reactions, reactivity of C-X bond in haloalkanes and haloarenes.
- Some commercially important compounds : dichloro, trichloro and tetrachloromethanes; p-dichlorobenzene, freons, BHC, DDT, their uses and important reactions.
Unit :25 Organic compounds with functional groups containing oxygen
Alcohols and phenols : Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; chemical reactivity of phenols in electrophilic substitutions, acidic nature of phenol, ethers: electronic structure, structure of functional group, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, some commercially important compounds.
Aldehydes and ketones : Electronic structure of carbonyl group, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions, relative reactivity of aldehydic and ketonic groups, acidity of a-hydrogen, aldol condensation. Connizzarro reaction, nucleophilic addition reaction to >C=O groups.
Carboxylic acids : Electronic structure of-COOH, Nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical properties and effect of substituents on a-carbon on acid strength, chemical reactions.
Derivatives of carboxylic acids : Electronic structure of acid chloride, acid anhydride, ester and amide groups, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, comparative reactivity of acid derivatives. Some commercially important compounds.
Unit :26 Organic Compounds with functional group containing nitrogen
- Structure, nomenclature of nitro, amino, cyano and diazo compounds.
- Nitro compounds – important methods of preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions.
- Amines : primary, secondary and tertiary amines, a general awareness, important methods of preparation, physical properties, basic character of amines, chemical reactions.
- Cyanides and isocyanides : preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions.
- Diazonium salts : Preparation, chemical reaction and uses of benzene diazonium chloride. Some commercially important nitrogen containg carbon compounds, (aniline, TNT)
Unit :27 Polymers
Classification of polymers, general methods of polymerization-addition and condensation: addition-free radical, cationic, anionic polymerization, copolymerisation, natural rubber, vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubbers, condensation polymers, idea of macromolecules, biodegradable polymers.
Some commercially important polymers (PVC, teflon, polystyrene, nylon-6 and 66, terylene and bakelite).
Unit :28 Environmental Chemistry
Environmental pollution – air, water and soil pollutions, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid-rain, ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, green house effect and global warming – pollution due to industrial wastes, green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategy for controlling environmental pollution.
Unit :29 Biomolecules
Carbohydrates : Classification, aldose and ketose, monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); important simple chemical reactions of glucose, elementary idea of structure of pentose and hexose.
Proteins : Elementary idea of a-amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins; primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins and quaternary structure (gualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins, enzymes.
Vitamins : Classification and functions
Nucleic acids : Chemical composition of DNA and RNA
Lipids : Classification and structure
Hormones : Classification and functions in biosystem.
Unit :30 Chemistry in everyday life
- Chemicals in medicines – analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antacids, antihistamins.
- Chemicals in food – preservativess, artificial sweetening agents.
- Cleansing agents – soaps and detergents, cleansing action.
- Rocket propellants : characteristics and chemicals used.
Unit : 1 Diversity in Living World
Biology – its meaning and relevance to mankind
What is living; Taxonomic categories and aids (Botanical gardens, herbaria, museums, zoological parks); Systematics and Binomial system of nomenclature.
Introductory classification of living organisms (Two-kingdom system, Five-kingdom system); Major groups of each kingdom alongwith their salient features (Monera, including Archaebacteria and Cyanobacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia); Viruses; Lichens
Plant kingdom – Salient features of major groups (Algae to Angiosperms);
Animal kingdom – Salient features of Nonchordates up to phylum, and Chordates up to class level.
Unit : 2 Cell : The Unit of Life ; Structure and Function
Cell wall; Cell membrane; Endomembrane system (ER, Golgi apparatus/Dictyosome, Lysosomes, Vacuoles); Mitochondria; Plastids; Ribosomes; Cytoskeleton; Cilia and Flagella; Centrosome and Centriole; Nucleus; Microbodies.
Structural differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic, and between plant and animal cells. Cell cycle (various phases); Mitosis; Meiosis.
Biomolecules – Structure and function of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic acids.
Enzymes – Chemical nature, types, properties and mechanism of action.
Unit : 3 Genetics and Evolution
Mendelian inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance; Gene interaction; Incomplete dominance; Co-dominance; Complementary genes; Multiple alleles;
Linkage and Crossing over; Inheritance patterns of hemophilia and blood groups in humans.
DNA –its organization and replication; Transcription and Translation; Gene expression and regulation; DNA fingerprinting.
Theories and evidences of evolution, including modern Darwinism.
Unit : 4 Structure and Function – Plants
Morphology of a flowering plant; Tissues and tissue systems in plants;
Anatomy and function of root, stem(including modifications), leaf, inflorescence, flower (including position and arrangement of different whorls, placentation), fruit and seed; Types of fruit; Secondary growth;
Absorption and movement of water (including diffusion, osmosis and water relations of cell) and of nutrients; Translocation of food; Transpiration and gaseous exchange; Mechanism of stomatal movement.
Mineral nutrition – Macro- and micro-nutrients in plants including deficiency disorders; Biological nitrogen fixation mechanism.
Photosynthesis – Light reaction, cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; Various pathways of carbon dioxide fixation; Photorespiration; Limiting factors .
Respiration – Anaerobic, Fermentation, Aerobic; Glycolysis, TCA cycle; Electron transport system; Energy relations.
Unit : 5 Structure and Function - Animals
Elementary knowledge of morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems of earthworm, cockroach and frog.
Human Physiology – Digestive system - organs, digestion and absorption; Respiratory system – organs, breathing and exchange and transport of gases. Body fluids and circulation – Blood, lymph, double circulation, regulation of cardiac activity; Hypertension, Coronary artery diseases.
Excretion system – Urine formation, regulation of kidney function
Locomotion and movement – Skeletal system, joints, muscles, types of movement.
Control and co-ordination – Central and peripheral nervous systems, structure and function of neuron, reflex action and sensory reception; Role of various types of endocrine glands; Mechanism of hormone action.
Unit : 6 Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants
Asexual methods of reproduction; Sexual Reproduction - Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination (Types and agents); Fertilization; Development of embryo, endosperm, seed and fruit (including parthenocarpy and apomixis).
Growth and Movement – Growth phases; Types of growth regulators and their role in seed dormancy, germination and movement; Apical dominance; Senescence; Abscission; Photo- periodism; Vernalisation; Various types of movements.
Unit : 7 Reproduction and Development in Humans
Male and female reproductive systems; Menstrual cycle; Gamete production; Fertilisation; Implantation; Embryo development; Pregnancy and parturition; Birth control and contraception.
Unit : 8 Ecology and Environment
Meaning of ecology, environment, habitat and niche.
Ecological levels of organization (organism to biosphere); Characteristics of Species, Population, Biotic Community and Ecosystem; Succession and Climax.
Ecosystem – Biotic and abiotic components; Ecological pyramids; Food chain and Food web; Energy flow; Major types of ecosystems including agroecosystem.
Ecological adaptations – Structural and physiological features in plants and animals of aquatic and desert habitats.
Biodiversity – Meaning, types and conservation strategies (Biosphere reserves, National parks and Sanctuaries)
Environmental Issues – Air and Water Pollution (sources and major pollutants); Global warming and Climate change; Ozonedepletion; Noise pollution; Radioactive pollution; Methods of pollution control (including an idea of bioremediation); Deforestation; Extinction of species (Hot Spots).
Unit : 9 Biology and Human Welfare
Animal husbandry – Livestock, Poultry, Fisheries; Major animal diseases and their control. Pathogens of major communicable diseases of humans caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoans and helminths, and their control.
Cancer; AIDS.
Adolescence and drug/alcohol abuse;
Basic concepts of immunology.
Plant Breeding and Tissue Culture in crop improvement.
Biofertilisers (green manure, symbiotic and free-living nitrogen-fixing microbes, mycorrhizae);
Biopesticides (micro-organisms as biocontrol agents for pests and pathogens); Bioherbicides;
Microorganisms as pathogens of plant diseases with special reference to rust and smut of wheat, bacterial leaf blight of rice, late blight of potato, bean mosaic, and root - knot of vegetables.
Bioenergy – Hydrocarbon - rich plants as substitute of fossil fuels.
Unit : 10 Biotechnology and its Applications
Microbes as ideal system for biotechnology;
Microbial technology in food processing, industrial production (alcohol, acids, enzymes, antibiotics), sewage treatment and energy generation.
Steps in recombinant DNA technology – restriction enzymes, DNA insertion by vectors and other methods, regeneration of recombinants.
Applications of R-DNA technology. In human health –Production of Insulin, Vaccines and Growth hormones, Organ transplant, Gene therapy. In Industry – Production of expensive enzymes, strain improvement to scale up bioprocesses. In Agriculture – GM crops by transfer of genes for nitrogen fixation, herbicide-resistance and pest-resistance including Bt crops.
The Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, will conduct the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT),2010 pre exam on April 03, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M and AIPMT main exam on May 16, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. Here is the comprehensive syllabus for AIPMT 2010 pre and main exam.
AIPMT physics Syllabus for Pre and Main exam
Unit : 1 Introduction and Measurement
What is Physics? Scope and excitement; Physics in relation to science, society and technology; Need for measurement of physical quantities, units for measurement, systems of units-SI : fundamental and derived units. Dimensions of physical quantities. Dimensional analysis and its applications. Orders of magnitude, Accuracy and errors in measurement – random and instrumental errors, Significant figures and rounding off the numbers.
Graphs, Trigonometric functions, Concepts of differentiation and integration.
Unit : 2 Description of Motion in One Dimension
Objects in motion in one dimension, Motion in straight line, Uniform and non-uniform motion, its graphical representation and formulae, speed and velocity, relative velocity, average speed and instantaneous velocity. Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time graph, position-time graph and their formulae. Relations for uniformly accelerated motion with examples. Acceleration in one-dimensional motion.
Unit : 3 Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Vectors and scalars quantities, vectors in two and three dimensions, vector addition and multiplication by a real number, null-vector and its properties. Resolution of a vector in a plane, rectangular components. Scalar and vector products. Motion in two dimensions, cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration-projectile motion, general relation among position-velocity-acceleration for motion in a plane and uniform circular motion. Motion of objects in three dimensional space (elementary ideas).
Unit : 4 Laws of Motion
Force and inertia, first law of motion. Momentum, second law of motion, impulse, examples of different kinds of forces in nature. Third law of motion, conservation of momentum, rocket propulsion. Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and kinetic frictions, laws of friction, rolling friction, lubrication, Inertial and non-inertial frames (elementary ideas).
Unit : 5 Work, Energy and Power
Work done by a constant force and by a variable force, unit of work, energy and power. Work Energy Theorem. Elastic and in-elastic collisions in one and two dimensions. Notions of potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy : gravitational potential energy, and its conversion to kinetic energy, potential energy of a spring. Conservative forces. Different forms of energy, mass-energy equivalence, conservation of energy.
Unit : 6 Rotational Motion
Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of rigid body, general motion of a rigid body, nature of rotational motion, rotational motion of a single particle in two dimensions only, torque, angular momentum and its geometrical and physical meaning, conservation of angular momentum, examples of circular motion (car on a level circular road, car on banked road, pendulum swinging in a vertical plane). Moment of inertia, its physical significance, moment inertia of uniform bodies with simple geometrical shapes, parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorem (statements only), Comparison between translatory (linear) and rotational motion.
Unit : 7 Gravitation
Acceleration due to gravity, one and two dimensional motion under gravity. Universal law of gravitation, inertial and gravitational mass, variations in the acceleration due to gravity of the earth, statement of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, orbital velocity, geostationary satellites, gravitational potential, gravitational potential energy near the surface of earth, escape velocity, weightlessness.
Unit : 8 Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermal equilibrium and temperature ( zeroth law of thermodynamics). Heat, work and internal energy. Specific heat, specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure of ideal gas and relation between them. First law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic state, equation of state and isothermals, pressure-temperature phase diagram. Thermodynamic processes (reversible, irreversible, isothermal, adiabatic). Carnot cycle, second law of thermodynamics, efficiency of heat engines. Entropy. Transfer of heat : conduction, convection and radiation. Newton ’s law of cooling.
Thermal conductivity. Black body radiation, Wien’s law, Solar constant and surface temperature of the sun, Stefan’s law,
Unit : 9 Oscillations
Periodic and oscillatory motions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation of motion. Oscillations due to a spring, kinetic energy and potential energy in S.H.M., Simple pendulum, physical concepts of forced oscillations, resonance and damped oscillations; Simple examples.
Unit : 10 Waves
Longitudinal and transverse waves and wave motion, speed of progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves; reflection of waves, harmonic waves (qualitative treatment only), standing waves. Normal modes and its graphical representation. Beats, Doppler effect.
Unit : 11 Electrostatics
Frictional electricity, charges and their conservation, unit of charge, Coulomb’s law, dielectric constant, electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric potential – its physical meaning, potential due to a di-pole, di-pole field and behaviour of dipole in a uniform (2-dimensional) electric field. Flux, Statement of Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find electric field due to uniformly charged simple systems. Conductors and insulators, presence of free charges and bound charges inside a conductor, Capacitance (parallel plate), Dielectric material and its effect on capacitance (concept only), capacitances in series and parallel, energy of a capacitor. Van de Graff generator.
Unit : 12 Current Electricity
Introduction (flow of current), sources of e.m.f., cells : simple, secondary, chargeable, combinations of cells in series and parallel. Electric current, resistance of different materials, temperature dependence, thermistor, specific resistivity, colour code for carbon resistors. Ohm’s law and its limitation. Superconductors (elementary ideas). Kirchoff’s laws, resistances in series and parallel, Wheatstone’s bridge, measurement of resistance. Potentiometer – measurement of e.m.f. and internal resistance of a cell.
Unit : 13 Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents
Electric power, heating effects of current and Joule’s law. Thermoelectricity: Seebeck effect, measurement of temperature using thermocouple. Chemical effects and Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
Unit : 14 Magnetic Effect of Currents
Oersted’s observation, Biot-Savart’s law (magnetic field due to an element of current), magnetic field due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field (Lorentz force), cyclotron (simple idea), forces and torques on currents in a magnetic field, forces between two currents, definition of ampere, moving coil galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter. Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter/ammeter.
Unit : 15 Magnetism
Bar magnet (comparison with a solenoid), magnetic lines of force, torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field, earth’s magnetic field as a bar magnet, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer. Para, dia and ferromagnetic substances with examples (simple idea). Electromagnets and permanent magnets.
Unit : 16 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s Law, induced emf, self and mutual inductance. Alternating current, and voltage, impedance and reactance; A.C. circuits containing inductance, capacitance and resistance; phase relationships, and power in a.c. circuits, L.C oscillations. Electrical machines and devices (transformer, induction coil, generator, simple motors, choke and starter), eddy current.
Unit : 17 Electromagnetic Waves (Qualitative Treatment)
Electromagnetic oscillations, brief history of electromagnetic waves (Maxwell, Hertz, Bose, Marconi). Electromagnetic spectrum (radio, micro-waves, infra-red, optical, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays) including elementary facts about their uses, propagation of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere.
Unit : 18 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Ray optics as a limiting case of wave optics. Phenomena of reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection. Optical fibre. Curved mirrors, lenses; mirror and lens formulae. Dispersion by a prism. Spectrometer. Absorption and emission spectra. Scattering and formation of rainbow. Telescope (astronomical), microscope, their magnifications and resolving powers.
Unit : 19 Electrons and Photons
Discovery of electron, e/m for an electron, electrical conduction in gases, photoelectric effect, particle nature of light, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, photocells. Matter waves – wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation, Davison and Germer experiment.
Unit : 20 Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Rutherford model of the atom, Bohr model, energy quantization. Hydrogen spectrum. Composition of nucleus, atomic masses, binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus, its variation with mass number, isotopes, size of nucleus. Radioactivity : properties of a, b and g rays. Mass energy relation, nuclear fission and fusion.
Unit : 21 Solids and Semiconductor Devices
Crystal structure-Unit cell; single, poly and liquid crystals (concepts only). Energy bands in solids, difference between conductors, insulators and semi-conductors using band theory. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors,
p-n junction, semiconductor diodes, junction transistor, diode as rectifier, solar cell, photo diode, LED, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, transistor as an amplifier and oscillator. Combination of gates. Elementary ideas about IC.
AIPMT CHEMISTRY Syllabus for Pre and Main exam
Unit : 1 Some basic concepts in Chemistry
Importance of Chemistry, physical quantities and their measurement in Chemistry, SI Units, uncertainty in measurements and use of significant figures, Unit and dimensional analysis, Matter and its nature, laws of chemical combinations, atomic, and molecular, masses mole concept, molar masses, percentage composition and molecular formula, chemical stoichiometry.
Unit : 2 States of matter
Three states of matter, gaseous state, gas laws (Boyle’s Law and Charles Law), Avogadro’s Law, Grahams’Law of diffusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gases, real gases and deviation from ideal behaviour, van der Waals’ equation, liquefaction of gases and critical points, Intermolecular forces; liquids and solids.
Unit : 3 Atomic structure
Earlier atomic models (Thomson’s and Rutherford) , emission spectrum of hydrogen atom, Bohr’s model, of hydrogen atom, Limitations of Bohr’s model, dual nature of matter and radiation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum mechanical model of atom (quantum designation of atomic orbitals and electron energy in terms of principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers), electronic spin and spin quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, general idea of screening (constants) of outer electrons by inner electrons in an atom, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, atomic orbitals and their pictorial representation, electronic configurations of elements.
Unit : 4 Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
Need and genesis of classification of elements (from Doebereiner to Mendeleev), Modern periodic law and present form of periodic table, Nomenclature of elements with atomic number > 100, electronic configurations of elements and periodic table, electronic configuration and types of elements and s, p, d and f blocks, periodic trends in properties of elements (atomic size, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence/ oxidation states and chemical reactivity).
Unit : 5 Chemical energetics
Some basic concepts in thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, heat capacity, measurement of DU and DH, calorimetry, standard enthalpy changes, thermochemical equations, enthalpy changes during phase transformations, Hess’s Law, standard enthalpies of formation, bond enthalpies and calculations based on them.
Unit : 6 Chemical bonding
Kossel -Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, polarity of bonds and concept of electronegativity, valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory , shapes of simple molecules, valence bond theory, hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of molecules s and p bonds; Molecular orbital theory involving homounclear diatomic molecules; Hydrogen-bonding.
Unit : 7 Equilibrium
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic equilibrium, law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant, homogeneous equilibrium, heterogenous equilibrium, application of equilibrium constants, Relationship between reaction quotient Q, equilibrium constant, K and Gibbs’ energy G; factors affecting equilibrium-Le Chateliar’s principle.
Ionic equilibrium
Acids, Bases and Salts and their ionization, weak and strong electrolytes degree of ionization and ionization constants, concept of pH, ionic product of water, buffer solution, common ion effect, solubility of sparingly soluble salts and solubility products.
Unit : 8 Redox reactions
Electronic concepts of reduction - oxidation, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing of redox reactions.
Unit : 9 Solid state Chemistry
Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids; unit cells in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of a unit cell, packing in solids, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties.
Unit : 10 Chemical thermodynamics
Spontaneous processes, energy and spontaneity , entropy and second law of thermodynamics, concept of absolute entropy, Gibbs energy and spontaneity, Gibbs energy change and equilibrium constant.
Unit : 11 Solutions
Types of solutions, different units for expressing concentration of solution, mole fraction, percentage (by volume and mass both), definitions of dilute solutions, vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult’s Law, Colligative properties, lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling points and osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal values of molecular masses, van’t Hoff factor. simple numerical problems.
Unit : 12 Chemical kinetics
Rate of chemical reactions, factors, affecting rates of reactions –concentration, temperature and catalyst, order and molecularity of reactions, rate law and rate constant, differential and integral forms of first order reaction, half-life (only zero and first order) characteristics of first order reaction, effect of temperature on reactions, Arrhenius theory - activation energy, collision theory of reaction rate (no derivation).
Unit : 13 Electrochemistry
Conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variation of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law, electrolysis and laws of electrolysis (elementary idea), electrolytic and galvanic cells, emf. of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation, concentration cell, fuel cells, cell potential and Gibbs energy, dry cell and lead accumulator.
Unit : 14 Surface chemistry
Adsorption - physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity, enzyme catalysis, colloidal state, distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic, multimolecular and macromolecular colloids, properties of colloids, Tyndal effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation, emulsions - type of emulsions.
Unit :15 Hydrogen
Position of hydrogen in periodic table, isotopes of hydrogen, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide-preparation, reactions and structures; hydrides and their classification.
Unit :16 s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals):
Group 1 and Group 2 elements
Electronic configurations and general trends in physical and chemical properties, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship.
Preparation and properties of some important compounds, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrogen carbonate and industrial uses of lime and limestone, biological significance of Na, K, Mg and Ca.
Unit :17 General principles and processes of isolation of elements
Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction, (chemical and electrolytic methods), and refining.
Occurrence and principles of extraction of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe.
Unit :18 p-Block Elements
Introduction to p-block elements
Electronic configurations and general trends in properties, viz. atomic sizes, ionization enthalpies, electronegativity values, electron gain enthalpies and oxidation states across the periods and down the groups in the p-block.
Unique behaviour of the top element in each group of the block - the covalency limit and the pp - pp overlap in some molecules (e.g. N2, O2) and its consequences; general trend in catenation tendency down each group.
Group-wise study of the p-block Elements
Group 13 - In addition to the general characteristics as outlined above, properties and uses of aluminium, nature of hydrides/ halides and oxides; Properties, structures and uses of diborane boron halides, aluminium chloride, borax, boric acid and alums.
Group 14 - In addition to the general characteristics; carbon – catenation, allotropic forms (diamond and graphite), properties and structures of oxides; silicon - silicon tetrachloride, and structures and uses of silicates, silicones and zeolites.
Group 15 - In addition to the general characteristics, the general trends in the nature and structures of hydrides, halides and oxides of these elements. Preparation and properties of ammonia, nitric acid, phosphine and halides of phosphorus, structures of the oxoacids of phosphorus.
Group 16 - In addition to the general characteristics, preparations, properties and uses of dioxygen, simple oxides, ozone; sulphur - allotropic forms, compounds of sulphur, preparation, properties and uses of sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid, industrial preparations of sulphuric acid, structures of oxoacids of sulphur.
Group 17 - In addition to the general characteristics, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, oxides and oxoacids of halogens (structures only), preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid, trends in the acidic nature of hydrogen halides. Interhalogen compounds (structures only).
Group 18 - General introduction, electronic configurations, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties and uses, - fluorides and oxides of xenon (structures only).
Unit :19 The d-and f-Block elements
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals –physical properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic property, interstitial compounds, alloy formation; preparations and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.
Lanthanoids - Electronic configuration and oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction.
Actinoids - Electronic configuration and oxidation states.
Unit :20 Coordination compounds
Introduction to ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties, and shapes; IUPAC - nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, isomerism , bonding-valence bond approach to the bonding and basic ideas of Crystal Field Theory, colour and magnetic properties. Elementary ideas of metal - carbon bonds and organometallic compounds, importance of co-ordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems).
Unit :21 Some basic principles of Organic Chemistry
- Tetravalence of carbon, hybridization ( s and p ), shapes of simple molecules, functional groups:-C=C-, -CC-and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur; homologous series, isomerism.
- General introduction to naming organic compounds-trivial names and IUPAC nomenclature.
- Electronic displacement in a covalent bond; inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation. Fission of covalent bond: free radicals, electrophiles and nucleophiles, carbocations and carbonanions.
- Common types of organic reactions: substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement reactions.
Unit :22 Hydrocarbons
Alkanes and cycloalkanes : classification of hydrocarbons, alkanes and cycloalkanes, nomenclature and conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes.
Alkenes and alkynes : Nomenclature and isomerism, general methods of preparation, properties (physical and chemical), mechanism of electrophilic addition, Markownikoff’s rule, peroxide effect, acidic character of alkynes, polymerisation reactions.
Aromatic hydrocarbons : Benzene and its homologues, nomenclature, sources of aromatic hydrocarbons (coal and petroleum), structure of benzene, chemical reaction of benzene-mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Directive influence of substituents and their effect on reactivity.
Petroleum and petrochemicals : Composition of crude oil fractionation and uses, quality of gasoline, LPG, CNG, cracking and reforming, petrochemicals.
Unit :23 Purification and characterization of carbon compounds
- Purification of carbon compounds : filtration, crystallisation, sublimation, distillation chromatography,
- Qualitative analysis : detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens.
- Quantitative analysis : estimation of different elements (H, N, halogens, S and P)
- Determination of molecular masses : Silver salt method, chloroplatinate salt method, calculations of empirical and molecular formulas.
Unit :24 Organic compounds with functional groups containing halogens (X)
- Nature of C-X bond in haloalkanes and haloarenes, nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of substitution reactions, reactivity of C-X bond in haloalkanes and haloarenes.
- Some commercially important compounds : dichloro, trichloro and tetrachloromethanes; p-dichlorobenzene, freons, BHC, DDT, their uses and important reactions.
Unit :25 Organic compounds with functional groups containing oxygen
Alcohols and phenols : Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; chemical reactivity of phenols in electrophilic substitutions, acidic nature of phenol, ethers: electronic structure, structure of functional group, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, some commercially important compounds.
Aldehydes and ketones : Electronic structure of carbonyl group, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions, relative reactivity of aldehydic and ketonic groups, acidity of a-hydrogen, aldol condensation. Connizzarro reaction, nucleophilic addition reaction to >C=O groups.
Carboxylic acids : Electronic structure of-COOH, Nomenclature, important methods of preparation, physical properties and effect of substituents on a-carbon on acid strength, chemical reactions.
Derivatives of carboxylic acids : Electronic structure of acid chloride, acid anhydride, ester and amide groups, nomenclature, important methods of preparation, comparative reactivity of acid derivatives. Some commercially important compounds.
Unit :26 Organic Compounds with functional group containing nitrogen
- Structure, nomenclature of nitro, amino, cyano and diazo compounds.
- Nitro compounds – important methods of preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions.
- Amines : primary, secondary and tertiary amines, a general awareness, important methods of preparation, physical properties, basic character of amines, chemical reactions.
- Cyanides and isocyanides : preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions.
- Diazonium salts : Preparation, chemical reaction and uses of benzene diazonium chloride. Some commercially important nitrogen containg carbon compounds, (aniline, TNT)
Unit :27 Polymers
Classification of polymers, general methods of polymerization-addition and condensation: addition-free radical, cationic, anionic polymerization, copolymerisation, natural rubber, vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubbers, condensation polymers, idea of macromolecules, biodegradable polymers.
Some commercially important polymers (PVC, teflon, polystyrene, nylon-6 and 66, terylene and bakelite).
Unit :28 Environmental Chemistry
Environmental pollution – air, water and soil pollutions, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid-rain, ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, green house effect and global warming – pollution due to industrial wastes, green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategy for controlling environmental pollution.
Unit :29 Biomolecules
Carbohydrates : Classification, aldose and ketose, monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); important simple chemical reactions of glucose, elementary idea of structure of pentose and hexose.
Proteins : Elementary idea of a-amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins; primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins and quaternary structure (gualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins, enzymes.
Vitamins : Classification and functions
Nucleic acids : Chemical composition of DNA and RNA
Lipids : Classification and structure
Hormones : Classification and functions in biosystem.
Unit :30 Chemistry in everyday life
- Chemicals in medicines – analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antacids, antihistamins.
- Chemicals in food – preservativess, artificial sweetening agents.
- Cleansing agents – soaps and detergents, cleansing action.
- Rocket propellants : characteristics and chemicals used.
Unit : 1 Diversity in Living World
Biology – its meaning and relevance to mankind
What is living; Taxonomic categories and aids (Botanical gardens, herbaria, museums, zoological parks); Systematics and Binomial system of nomenclature.
Introductory classification of living organisms (Two-kingdom system, Five-kingdom system); Major groups of each kingdom alongwith their salient features (Monera, including Archaebacteria and Cyanobacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia); Viruses; Lichens
Plant kingdom – Salient features of major groups (Algae to Angiosperms);
Animal kingdom – Salient features of Nonchordates up to phylum, and Chordates up to class level.
Unit : 2 Cell : The Unit of Life ; Structure and Function
Cell wall; Cell membrane; Endomembrane system (ER, Golgi apparatus/Dictyosome, Lysosomes, Vacuoles); Mitochondria; Plastids; Ribosomes; Cytoskeleton; Cilia and Flagella; Centrosome and Centriole; Nucleus; Microbodies.
Structural differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic, and between plant and animal cells. Cell cycle (various phases); Mitosis; Meiosis.
Biomolecules – Structure and function of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic acids.
Enzymes – Chemical nature, types, properties and mechanism of action.
Unit : 3 Genetics and Evolution
Mendelian inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance; Gene interaction; Incomplete dominance; Co-dominance; Complementary genes; Multiple alleles;
Linkage and Crossing over; Inheritance patterns of hemophilia and blood groups in humans.
DNA –its organization and replication; Transcription and Translation; Gene expression and regulation; DNA fingerprinting.
Theories and evidences of evolution, including modern Darwinism.
Unit : 4 Structure and Function – Plants
Morphology of a flowering plant; Tissues and tissue systems in plants;
Anatomy and function of root, stem(including modifications), leaf, inflorescence, flower (including position and arrangement of different whorls, placentation), fruit and seed; Types of fruit; Secondary growth;
Absorption and movement of water (including diffusion, osmosis and water relations of cell) and of nutrients; Translocation of food; Transpiration and gaseous exchange; Mechanism of stomatal movement.
Mineral nutrition – Macro- and micro-nutrients in plants including deficiency disorders; Biological nitrogen fixation mechanism.
Photosynthesis – Light reaction, cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; Various pathways of carbon dioxide fixation; Photorespiration; Limiting factors .
Respiration – Anaerobic, Fermentation, Aerobic; Glycolysis, TCA cycle; Electron transport system; Energy relations.
Unit : 5 Structure and Function - Animals
Elementary knowledge of morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems of earthworm, cockroach and frog.
Human Physiology – Digestive system - organs, digestion and absorption; Respiratory system – organs, breathing and exchange and transport of gases. Body fluids and circulation – Blood, lymph, double circulation, regulation of cardiac activity; Hypertension, Coronary artery diseases.
Excretion system – Urine formation, regulation of kidney function
Locomotion and movement – Skeletal system, joints, muscles, types of movement.
Control and co-ordination – Central and peripheral nervous systems, structure and function of neuron, reflex action and sensory reception; Role of various types of endocrine glands; Mechanism of hormone action.
Unit : 6 Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants
Asexual methods of reproduction; Sexual Reproduction - Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination (Types and agents); Fertilization; Development of embryo, endosperm, seed and fruit (including parthenocarpy and apomixis).
Growth and Movement – Growth phases; Types of growth regulators and their role in seed dormancy, germination and movement; Apical dominance; Senescence; Abscission; Photo- periodism; Vernalisation; Various types of movements.
Unit : 7 Reproduction and Development in Humans
Male and female reproductive systems; Menstrual cycle; Gamete production; Fertilisation; Implantation; Embryo development; Pregnancy and parturition; Birth control and contraception.
Unit : 8 Ecology and Environment
Meaning of ecology, environment, habitat and niche.
Ecological levels of organization (organism to biosphere); Characteristics of Species, Population, Biotic Community and Ecosystem; Succession and Climax.
Ecosystem – Biotic and abiotic components; Ecological pyramids; Food chain and Food web; Energy flow; Major types of ecosystems including agroecosystem.
Ecological adaptations – Structural and physiological features in plants and animals of aquatic and desert habitats.
Biodiversity – Meaning, types and conservation strategies (Biosphere reserves, National parks and Sanctuaries)
Environmental Issues – Air and Water Pollution (sources and major pollutants); Global warming and Climate change; Ozonedepletion; Noise pollution; Radioactive pollution; Methods of pollution control (including an idea of bioremediation); Deforestation; Extinction of species (Hot Spots).
Unit : 9 Biology and Human Welfare
Animal husbandry – Livestock, Poultry, Fisheries; Major animal diseases and their control. Pathogens of major communicable diseases of humans caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoans and helminths, and their control.
Cancer; AIDS.
Adolescence and drug/alcohol abuse;
Basic concepts of immunology.
Plant Breeding and Tissue Culture in crop improvement.
Biofertilisers (green manure, symbiotic and free-living nitrogen-fixing microbes, mycorrhizae);
Biopesticides (micro-organisms as biocontrol agents for pests and pathogens); Bioherbicides;
Microorganisms as pathogens of plant diseases with special reference to rust and smut of wheat, bacterial leaf blight of rice, late blight of potato, bean mosaic, and root - knot of vegetables.
Bioenergy – Hydrocarbon - rich plants as substitute of fossil fuels.
Unit : 10 Biotechnology and its Applications
Microbes as ideal system for biotechnology;
Microbial technology in food processing, industrial production (alcohol, acids, enzymes, antibiotics), sewage treatment and energy generation.
Steps in recombinant DNA technology – restriction enzymes, DNA insertion by vectors and other methods, regeneration of recombinants.
Applications of R-DNA technology. In human health –Production of Insulin, Vaccines and Growth hormones, Organ transplant, Gene therapy. In Industry – Production of expensive enzymes, strain improvement to scale up bioprocesses. In Agriculture – GM crops by transfer of genes for nitrogen fixation, herbicide-resistance and pest-resistance including Bt crops.
AIPMT 2010 | CBSE PMT 2010 online application!111
IPMT Pre Preliminary exam 2010, CBSE PMT pre 2010
All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination,2010 or AIMPT 2010 preliminary exam will be held on April 03, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. AIPMT is conducted by the Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE),Delhi.
The AIPMT main (final) exam will be held on May 16, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination,2010 is being conducted exclusively for the 15% merit positions for the Medical/Dental Colleges spread across India.
All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination,2010 or AIMPT 2010 preliminary exam will be held on April 03, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. AIPMT is conducted by the Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE),Delhi.
The AIPMT main (final) exam will be held on May 16, 2010, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination,2010 is being conducted exclusively for the 15% merit positions for the Medical/Dental Colleges spread across India.
Anna University exam Timetable for MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc/B.Sc./PTBE 2009!!12
Anna University Examination Schedule for MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc(2yrs&5yrs)/B.Sc./PTBE-Nov./Dec.-2009
Here is the timetable /Examination Schedule for MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc(2yrs&5yrs)/B.Sc./PTBE-Nov./Dec.-2009. To get the detailed timetable of Anna University MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc/B.Sc./PTBE exam, please visit the official website of Anna University: http://www.annauniv.edu/coe/schedulepg.htm
M.C.A. - (R-2005)
M.B.A. - (R-2005)
M.Sc.(2 years) (R-2003)
M.Sc.(5 years) (R-2002)
M.Sc.(5 years) (R-2003)
B.Sc. (R-2003)
PTBE - (R-2002)
PTBE - (R-2005)
Here is the timetable /Examination Schedule for MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc(2yrs&5yrs)/B.Sc./PTBE-Nov./Dec.-2009. To get the detailed timetable of Anna University MCA/MBA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc/B.Sc./PTBE exam, please visit the official website of Anna University: http://www.annauniv.edu/coe/schedulepg.htm
M.C.A. - (R-2005)
M.B.A. - (R-2005)
M.Sc.(2 years) (R-2003)
M.Sc.(5 years) (R-2002)
M.Sc.(5 years) (R-2003)
B.Sc. (R-2003)
PTBE - (R-2002)
PTBE - (R-2005)
DTH Services in India | DTH Service Providers in India111111111111
Direct To Home TV Services in India, DTH TV Providers
The DTH TV scene in India is already hot as there are around half a dozen service providers in the DTH TV service arena that includes biggies like Reliance, Airtel and Tata along with DTH veteran Dish TV, Sun Direct DTH and Videocon. Here is useful and comprehensive information on various DTH service providers in India, along with their plans and packages.
• Sun Direct DTH Packages
• Sun Direct DTH Top-up
• Sun Direct DTH Channels List
• Big TV Packages
• Tata Sky Channels
• Tata Sky Packages
• Airtel Digital TV
• Airtel Digital TV Packages
The DTH TV scene in India is already hot as there are around half a dozen service providers in the DTH TV service arena that includes biggies like Reliance, Airtel and Tata along with DTH veteran Dish TV, Sun Direct DTH and Videocon. Here is useful and comprehensive information on various DTH service providers in India, along with their plans and packages.
• Sun Direct DTH Packages
• Sun Direct DTH Top-up
• Sun Direct DTH Channels List
• Big TV Packages
• Tata Sky Channels
• Tata Sky Packages
• Airtel Digital TV
• Airtel Digital TV Packages
Anna University Timetable for BE exam | Anna University BArch exam Timetable & schedule!1123
Here is the comprehensive timetable for BE/BArch exam 2009 of Anna university. You can find further details on http://www.annauniv.edu/coe/schedule.htm
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch. Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2004)
B.E /B.Tech. ANNUAL PATTERN Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (V Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech.( I Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (VI Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(VII Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( III Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (VIII Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( IV Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.Arch.(IX Sem.)&(X Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch.- Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( I Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VI Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VII Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(III Semester) Nov./Dec.-2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VIII Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(IV Semester) Nov./Dec.-2009 (R-2001)
B.Arch. ( IX Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( V Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch.- Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2008)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2008)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( III Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2008)
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch. Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2004)
B.E /B.Tech. ANNUAL PATTERN Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (V Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech.( I Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (VI Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(VII Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( III Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. (VIII Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( IV Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
B.Arch.(IX Sem.)&(X Sem.) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2004)
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch.- Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( I Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VI Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VII Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(III Semester) Nov./Dec.-2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( VIII Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch.(IV Semester) Nov./Dec.-2009 (R-2001)
B.Arch. ( IX Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( V Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2001)
Examination Schedule for B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch.- Nov./Dec. -2009 (Regulations - 2008)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( II Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2008)
B.E /B.Tech./B.Arch. ( III Semester ) Nov./Dec. -2009 (R-2008)
pv narasimha rao expressway!
PV Narasimha Rao Expressway is a 11.633 kilometre long corridor built on National Highway . It has been built to connect to the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Shamshabad.
The PV Narasimha Rao Expressway is an elevated corridor starting from Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Mehdipatnam to Aaramgarh junction on National Highway-7.
The expressway narrows from two lanes (7.5 metre width) to oneand- half lane (6 mtrs) at three locations, between Pier 84 and Pier 88 (Laxminagar), Pier 208 and Pier 212 (Upparpally) and Pier 298 and Pier 302 (Shivarampally) for a length of 190 metres at each location.
Rajasthan Technical University Results | RTU Results 2008!
rtu kota, rtu, kota university, rtu.ac.in, Rajasthan Technical University Kota, http://www.rtu.ac.in/results/results.html
The Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) Kota has announced the results of various semesters of BE. You can obtain RTU results for your respective semesters. The list of all the semesters, the results of which have been announced, is given below.The results can be obtained from the official website of RTU Kota:
BE III-SEM (ME)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EC)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (IT)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CE)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CS)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EI)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (AI)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (BM)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CH)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EE)Result-2008
The Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) Kota has announced the results of various semesters of BE. You can obtain RTU results for your respective semesters. The list of all the semesters, the results of which have been announced, is given below.The results can be obtained from the official website of RTU Kota:
BE III-SEM (ME)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EC)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (IT)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CE)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CS)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EI)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (AI)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (BM)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (CH)Result-2008
BE III-SEM (EE)Result-2008
cg pmt result!
Chhattisgarh PMT Results 2008, cgpm, cg pmt result, Chhattisgarh Pre-Medical test 2008, cg pmt, Chattishgarh PMT
Get the latest information on the CG PMT result 2008. The Chhattisgarh PMT results are about to be announced any time. Keep looking at this spsce for the latest news on CG PMT results 2008.
Get the latest information on the CG PMT result 2008. The Chhattisgarh PMT results are about to be announced any time. Keep looking at this spsce for the latest news on CG PMT results 2008.
cg pmt result
RPMT Result 2008!
Rajasthan Pre-Medical Test 2008 results, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences Jaipur, Rajasthan Pre-Medical Test
Rajasthan Pre-Medical Test 2008 results are expected to be announced soon. Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur that conducted the Rajasthan Pre medical Test (RPMT) 2008 has already published the RPMT answer key and the RPMT-2008 Moderated Answer Key. For the latest information on RPMT results 2008, you can log on to the official website of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur:
Rajasthan Pre-Medical Test 2008 results are expected to be announced soon. Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur that conducted the Rajasthan Pre medical Test (RPMT) 2008 has already published the RPMT answer key and the RPMT-2008 Moderated Answer Key. For the latest information on RPMT results 2008, you can log on to the official website of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur:
RPMT Result 2008
GNDU results | Guru Nanak Dev University!
gndu amritsar, gndu result 2008, guru nanak dev university results, gndu.ac.in, www.gndu.ac.in, guru nanak dev university amritsar Punjab
Guru Nanak dev University Amritsar has announced the results of various courses. You can get information on GNDU results on the official website of Guru Nanak dev University, Amritsar. The website provides annual results of various semesters of PG and UG courses. It also displays results of diploma and certificate courses and entrance tests. The curses are B.A (Hons. School) In English, B.A/B.Sc, B.Com, B.Sc.(I.T), B.CAM, B.Com Professional, B.Com( HONORS), B.Sc. (Bio-Technology, B.C.A, B. Insurance and Risk Management, BBA, B.I.T/B.C.A. (Deficient Mathematics), B.Sc.(Home Science), B.Sc. Electronics, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Performing Arts, Bachelor of Food Science & Tech.B.Ed (Annual), B.P.Ed (Annual), Bachelor of Physiotherapy etc. The university website is:
CLICK Below for GNDU Results
Guru Nanak dev University Amritsar has announced the results of various courses. You can get information on GNDU results on the official website of Guru Nanak dev University, Amritsar. The website provides annual results of various semesters of PG and UG courses. It also displays results of diploma and certificate courses and entrance tests. The curses are B.A (Hons. School) In English, B.A/B.Sc, B.Com, B.Sc.(I.T), B.CAM, B.Com Professional, B.Com( HONORS), B.Sc. (Bio-Technology, B.C.A, B. Insurance and Risk Management, BBA, B.I.T/B.C.A. (Deficient Mathematics), B.Sc.(Home Science), B.Sc. Electronics, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Performing Arts, Bachelor of Food Science & Tech.B.Ed (Annual), B.P.Ed (Annual), Bachelor of Physiotherapy etc. The university website is:
CLICK Below for GNDU Results
Punjab board 10th result!
punjab board 10th results, pseb 10th result,punjab board class Xth result, PSEB results 2008, matric result of punjab school education board, Panjab board
PSEB 10th results are eagerly awaited. Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Mohali conducted the class 10th exam 2008. According to sources, the results can be announced any time. keep looking at this space for the latest news on pseb 10th results. You can also browse the official website of Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Mohali for Xth results:
PSEB 10th results are eagerly awaited. Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Mohali conducted the class 10th exam 2008. According to sources, the results can be announced any time. keep looking at this space for the latest news on pseb 10th results. You can also browse the official website of Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Mohali for Xth results:
Punjab board 10th result
iControl | MTNL iControl!
MTNL launches iControl ipTV service in Delhi and Mumbai. AKSH Optifibre Ltd. is the company that has launched icontrol brand in Delhi and Mumbai in association with MTNL.
icontrol service provided by Aksh and MTNL is an IPTV based television connection that enables consumers to watch the TV programs they wish to view at their own convenient time. icontrol offers 120 channels, 200 movies on demand with rewind, fast forward and pause option. The most attractive part of icontrol is that icontrol works without COMPUTER, INTERNET, BROADBAND and DVD PLAYER.
icontrol subscribers can replay Live channels and view thier favorite program through Time shift TV. icontrol will let you do interactive gaming, messaging on television which are not available on cable and DTH. There is a misconception that for viewing IPTV, broadband and PC is necessary. You need not have any computers, special hardware or technical knowledge.
icontrol service provided by Aksh and MTNL is an IPTV based television connection that enables consumers to watch the TV programs they wish to view at their own convenient time. icontrol offers 120 channels, 200 movies on demand with rewind, fast forward and pause option. The most attractive part of icontrol is that icontrol works without COMPUTER, INTERNET, BROADBAND and DVD PLAYER.
icontrol subscribers can replay Live channels and view thier favorite program through Time shift TV. icontrol will let you do interactive gaming, messaging on television which are not available on cable and DTH. There is a misconception that for viewing IPTV, broadband and PC is necessary. You need not have any computers, special hardware or technical knowledge.
iControl | MTNL iControl
JEXPO 2008!
JEXPO 2008 result (merit list) of Joint Entrance Examination (JEXPO-2008, which was conducted by the West Bengal State Council of Technical Education (WBSCTE0 for admission to 45 polytechnics in west Bengal, has been released. It can be viewed on the official web site of the West Bengal.
JEXPO 2008
amupmdc result 2008 | ASSO-CET 2008!
amupmdc result, www.amupmdc.org, amupmdc.org, amupmdc Maharashtra, amupmdc result, amupmdc results 2008, Asso Common Entrance Test
AMUPMDC (Association of managements of Unaided Private medical and Dental Colleges, Maharashtra has anno8nced the amupmdc ASSO-CET results 2008. The results of amupmdc ASSO-CET 2008 can be seen at the official website of the AMUPMDC:
AMUPMDC (Association of managements of Unaided Private medical and Dental Colleges, Maharashtra has anno8nced the amupmdc ASSO-CET results 2008. The results of amupmdc ASSO-CET 2008 can be seen at the official website of the AMUPMDC:
MP higher education!
Madhya Pradesh (MP) higher education department recently declared the results of Guest Lecturer in the session 2008-09. The results/list of the guest lecturer merit list can be obtained from the official website of the Madhya Pradesh (MP) higher education board.
The results are available in two form:
1.District-wise Merit List (13-June-2008)
2. Subject-wise Merit List (13-June-2008)
The results are available in two form:
1.District-wise Merit List (13-June-2008)
2. Subject-wise Merit List (13-June-2008)
MP higher education
Orissa Diploma Result!
orissa det result 2008, orissa diploma entrance result, orissa diploma, det result 2008 orissa, orissa diploma result 2008
Lots of speculations over Or the announcement of Orissa diploma results 2008. Find the latest information and news on Orissa diploma results which are expected any time. You can check this site for the latest info on Orissa Diploma result.
Lots of speculations over Or the announcement of Orissa diploma results 2008. Find the latest information and news on Orissa diploma results which are expected any time. You can check this site for the latest info on Orissa Diploma result.
Orissa Diploma Result
Punjab CET 2008 results!
ptu, punjab cet results, www.ptu.ac.in, Punjab technical University Jalandhar, ptu results, punjab cet result
the results of Punjab CET 2008, conducted by Punjab technical university Jalandhar, are expected to be announced on June 18, 2008. punjab cet 2008 results will be available on the official website of the Punjab technical University:
the results of Punjab CET 2008, conducted by Punjab technical university Jalandhar, are expected to be announced on June 18, 2008. punjab cet 2008 results will be available on the official website of the Punjab technical University:
Punjab CET 2008 results
Fake currency racket unearthed in Andhra Pradesh!
A fake currency racket was busted here in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, after police arrested four people and seized counterfeit currency notes with a face value of Rs.3.6 million. This currecny racket is believed to be the biggest in Andhra Pradesh in recent past. The investigations are on to find more links.
Parsvnath to venture into retail!
The booming retail market in India has lured many of the big business houses. It is, now, the turn of the realty major, Parsvanath to venture into the growing retail business in India. The announcement regarding this venture was made by the chairman of Parsvnath Developers Ltd.
Aarushi murder case: CBI interrogates Noida police!
The central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which took the investigation of Aarushi murder case a few days back, quizzed the NOIDA police on Friday, June 20. To find the main motive for the brutal murders of teenager Aarushi Talwar and her domestic help, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday questioned the NOIDA police, which has been charged with botching up Aarushi murder probe.
Orissa HSC results | orissa 10th result!
Board of Secondary Education, BSE Orissa, class 10th result orissa, orissa hsc result
Board of Secondary Education, Orissa that conducts HSC exam has announced that the Orissa HSC results 2008 will be declared on 25th June at 11:00 Hrs and will be available on official website of Orissa results: http://orissaresults.nic.in/.
The Orissa HSC result will be available through SMS from BSNL Mobile
SMS Code : HSCR Roll No (For Regular/Regular Correspondence Courses)
SMS Code : HSCX Roll No(For Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular Correspondence Courses)
SMS To : 56505
Board of Secondary Education, Orissa that conducts HSC exam has announced that the Orissa HSC results 2008 will be declared on 25th June at 11:00 Hrs and will be available on official website of Orissa results: http://orissaresults.nic.in/.
The Orissa HSC result will be available through SMS from BSNL Mobile
SMS Code : HSCR Roll No (For Regular/Regular Correspondence Courses)
SMS Code : HSCX Roll No(For Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular Correspondence Courses)
SMS To : 56505
Jane Mcgrath funeral!
Jane McGrath, the wife of former Australia bowling great Glenn McGrath, was given an emotional farewell at her funeral on Wednesday at Sydney.
Jane McGrath died at Sydney after battling with cancer for years. The death of Jane McGrath triggered a national as she had won the hearts of her adopted nation throughout her battle with cancer.
The prominent mourners included the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and numerous Australian test cricketers such as Shane Warne, Steve Waugh and Adam Gilchrist.The mourners crammed into the same Sydney church where Jane and Glenn McGrath were married almost ten years ago.
Jane McGrath died at Sydney after battling with cancer for years. The death of Jane McGrath triggered a national as she had won the hearts of her adopted nation throughout her battle with cancer.
The prominent mourners included the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and numerous Australian test cricketers such as Shane Warne, Steve Waugh and Adam Gilchrist.The mourners crammed into the same Sydney church where Jane and Glenn McGrath were married almost ten years ago.
Jane Mcgrath funeral
Maharashtra ssc results 2008!
Maharashtra SSC 2008 results, Maharashtra class x results, class 10 result Pune, mumbai ssc results, ssc results maharashtra, maharashtra ssc results 2008, Maharashtra ssc results online
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE), Pune will announce Maharashtra SSC results 2008 on June 26 at 11 AM. The SSC (class 10) results will be available on the official website of Maharashtra results. The official website is
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE), Pune will announce Maharashtra SSC results 2008 on June 26 at 11 AM. The SSC (class 10) results will be available on the official website of Maharashtra results. The official website is
JNTU 1st year results | www.jntu.ac.in!
jntu results, jntu btech 1st year results, jntu hyderabad, jntu first yr result, jntu.ac.in, jnturesults, Jawahar Lal Nehru Technical University 1st yr result, jnturesults
JNTU hyderabad has announced the results of btech 1st year. Students can obtain their results and ranks fro the official website of Jawahar Lal Technical University (JNTU) Hyderabad. The official website of JNTU is :
JNTU hyderabad has announced the results of btech 1st year. Students can obtain their results and ranks fro the official website of Jawahar Lal Technical University (JNTU) Hyderabad. The official website of JNTU is :
SLIET | SLIET Entrance Test 2008 Results!
SLIET Entrance Test 2008 Results, SET 2008, sliet, www.sliet.ac.in, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology Sangrur, SET
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, has declared the SLIET Entrance Test 2008 Results. The candidates who had taken up the SLIET Entrance Test 2008 can obtain the results from the official website of Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET). The official website has also published the Counselling Schedule for SET 2008. For further details, you can log on to the official website of SLIET.
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, has declared the SLIET Entrance Test 2008 Results. The candidates who had taken up the SLIET Entrance Test 2008 can obtain the results from the official website of Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET). The official website has also published the Counselling Schedule for SET 2008. For further details, you can log on to the official website of SLIET.
Rangoli Designs | Diwali Rangoli Designs & Patterns !
rangoli designs with flowers, diwali rangoli designs, rangoli designs images, rangoli flower petals, rangoli pictures designs
Come Diwali and people all over India and Indians living abroad start decorating their homes with all kind of stuffs. One of the most pious and popular forms of decoration all over India is Rangoli. Rangoli is known by different names in different parts of India but the theme remains the same. Rangoli is mede using natural colours, flowers and other stuff. There are various patterns and designs of Rangoli. To help our readers with various Rangoli patterns and designs, we have sorted out some resources on the web. This will help you to make own Diwali Rangoli designs and patterns.
Come Diwali and people all over India and Indians living abroad start decorating their homes with all kind of stuffs. One of the most pious and popular forms of decoration all over India is Rangoli. Rangoli is known by different names in different parts of India but the theme remains the same. Rangoli is mede using natural colours, flowers and other stuff. There are various patterns and designs of Rangoli. To help our readers with various Rangoli patterns and designs, we have sorted out some resources on the web. This will help you to make own Diwali Rangoli designs and patterns.
Kerala DHSE Plus One First Year Improvement Result!
Kerala DHSE plus one improvement result, plus one improvement results, plus one result, dhsekerala results, HSE school wise result
Kerala Higher Secondary Examination/HSE 2009 First Year Improvement result has been announced. Kerala HSE first yr results have been announced schoolwise.
Students those who are waiting for their HSE improvement results can now check their scores at the following site: http://results.kerala.nic.in/dhsefyimp09/
Kerala Higher Secondary Examination/HSE 2009 First Year Improvement result has been announced. Kerala HSE first yr results have been announced schoolwise.
Students those who are waiting for their HSE improvement results can now check their scores at the following site: http://results.kerala.nic.in/dhsefyimp09/
GATE 2010 online application | GATE 2010 Application Form!
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2010, gate online application, gate 2010 online application form, gate 2010 application, gate 2010 online
IIT Guwahati is oragnising the GATE 2010 exam. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an all India examination, which is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science/IISC and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on behalf of the National
Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
For all information related to GATE 2010 online application and how to fill up the form including the exam fee, can be obtained from the official website of GATE 2010. You can log on to http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate/online/ to get all information on GASTE 2010 online application form and other important details.
IIT Guwahati is oragnising the GATE 2010 exam. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an all India examination, which is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science/IISC and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on behalf of the National
Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
For all information related to GATE 2010 online application and how to fill up the form including the exam fee, can be obtained from the official website of GATE 2010. You can log on to http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate/online/ to get all information on GASTE 2010 online application form and other important details.
Utkal University Results | Orissa!
utkal university result, 3 result, utkal university 3 results, utkal university results 2008, utkaluniversity, www.utkal-university.org/ Bhubaneswar
Tyhe results for Utkal University's various Graduate/UG and Post Graduate/PG courses are eagerly awaited. Utkal University will announce the results for the academic session 2007-2008 on its official website, which is, unfortunately not working due to may be heavy traffic. You can chech this page for the latest news and updates on Utkal University Orissa results 2008. The official website address of Utkal University is
Utkal University
Tyhe results for Utkal University's various Graduate/UG and Post Graduate/PG courses are eagerly awaited. Utkal University will announce the results for the academic session 2007-2008 on its official website, which is, unfortunately not working due to may be heavy traffic. You can chech this page for the latest news and updates on Utkal University Orissa results 2008. The official website address of Utkal University is
Utkal University
symbiosis girls | Symboisis scandal!
symbiosis pune girls, symbiosis scandal, symbiosis girls scandal, symbiosis girls pics, symbiosis girls hostel, Symbiosis probes obscene student pics on the Net
Symboisis Pune is in news because of the alleged semi nude pictures of symboisis girls on internet, who are said to be from the women's hostel of the Symbiosis Institute. This is said to be spotted on internet by a Pune Mirror reporter. After coming to know of the semi-nude pictures scandal, the authorities of Symboisis Pune immediately set up an enquiry into the alleged scandal.
The officials from Symboisis say that they will try and find out whether the girls are really from Symboisis and stay in the hostel. The link of the alleged Symboisis girls scandal has been sent to Vidya Yerwadekar, who is the joint director of Symbiosis
Some students from Symboisis Pune say that earlier also they had seen similar semi-nude pictures of girls reportedly from the Senapati Bapat Road hostel campus of Symboisis Pune. The girls were in semi-nude position and were striking obscene poses. Some of them also allege that the girls from college send pics to websites to make money.
Symboisis Pune is in news because of the alleged semi nude pictures of symboisis girls on internet, who are said to be from the women's hostel of the Symbiosis Institute. This is said to be spotted on internet by a Pune Mirror reporter. After coming to know of the semi-nude pictures scandal, the authorities of Symboisis Pune immediately set up an enquiry into the alleged scandal.
The officials from Symboisis say that they will try and find out whether the girls are really from Symboisis and stay in the hostel. The link of the alleged Symboisis girls scandal has been sent to Vidya Yerwadekar, who is the joint director of Symbiosis
Some students from Symboisis Pune say that earlier also they had seen similar semi-nude pictures of girls reportedly from the Senapati Bapat Road hostel campus of Symboisis Pune. The girls were in semi-nude position and were striking obscene poses. Some of them also allege that the girls from college send pics to websites to make money.
sam manekshaw | Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw dead!
manekshaw, field marshal, field marshal sam manekshaw
Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw died late Thursday night. general manekshaw was being treated in Military Hospital in Wellington, Tamil Nadu. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was 94. It was Sam Manekshaw whose military exploits in the 1971 Indo-Pak war led to the creation of the present day Bangladesh.

Gen Manekshaw was admitted in the military hospital for "progressive lung disease", had gone into coma earlier on Thursday and he breathed his last at 00:30 am.
Sam Manekshaw had been diagonised with "acute bronchopneumonia with associated complications" and was under intensive care for four days after his condition became critical.
Sam Manekshaw, who had earned the sobriquet "Sam Bahadur" from soldiers of the 8th Gorkha Rifles, was one of the 40 cadets of the first batch that passed out from the Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun.
Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw died late Thursday night. general manekshaw was being treated in Military Hospital in Wellington, Tamil Nadu. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was 94. It was Sam Manekshaw whose military exploits in the 1971 Indo-Pak war led to the creation of the present day Bangladesh.

Gen Manekshaw was admitted in the military hospital for "progressive lung disease", had gone into coma earlier on Thursday and he breathed his last at 00:30 am.
Sam Manekshaw had been diagonised with "acute bronchopneumonia with associated complications" and was under intensive care for four days after his condition became critical.
Sam Manekshaw, who had earned the sobriquet "Sam Bahadur" from soldiers of the 8th Gorkha Rifles, was one of the 40 cadets of the first batch that passed out from the Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun.
BBE results DU | Delhi University!
Bachelor of Business Economics entrance result, www.du.ac.in, BBE 2008 result, delhi University
Bachelor of Business Economics is a Three Year Full Time Honours Course at the University of Delhi (DU). The entrance test for admission to DU BBE was held on June 22, 2008. For the latest information and updates on the BBE results 2008 you can log on the official website of the Delhi University (DU).
Bachelor of Business Economics is a Three Year Full Time Honours Course at the University of Delhi (DU). The entrance test for admission to DU BBE was held on June 22, 2008. For the latest information and updates on the BBE results 2008 you can log on the official website of the Delhi University (DU).
cusat results | CAT Key 2008!
cusat result, Common Admission Test 2008 result, cusat results, www.cusat.nic.in, cusat.nic.in, uict, Cusat cat 2008 Key, CAt key,
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) conducted the CAT 2008 (Common Admission Test) 2008 recently. The CAT key for various subjects has been declared and the CAT Keys are available on the official website of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). For the CUSAT CAT 2008 results, you can log on to www.cusat.ac.in and see the information yourself. All the best!
The website of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) is:
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) conducted the CAT 2008 (Common Admission Test) 2008 recently. The CAT key for various subjects has been declared and the CAT Keys are available on the official website of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). For the CUSAT CAT 2008 results, you can log on to www.cusat.ac.in and see the information yourself. All the best!
The website of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) is:
Tripura University Results!
Tripura University BA BSc BCom results 2008, BA, BCom, BSc first year result
Tripura University, Suryamaninagar has announced the results of B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Part-I (Pass & Honours)-2008 exam for the academic session 2007-08. The students who had appeared in the annual exam 2008 can obtain their results from the official website of Tripura University, TU.
Tripura University, Suryamaninagar has announced the results of B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Part-I (Pass & Honours)-2008 exam for the academic session 2007-08. The students who had appeared in the annual exam 2008 can obtain their results from the official website of Tripura University, TU.
Tripura University
Students can also find the results of other courses, which were announced earlier, below:
Result of B.Music (Hons)part-II and PGDBCRU 2nd Semester-2008
Result of B.A pass (Distance Educatin ) Part-II Exam-2008
Tripura University BA,B.Sc & B.Com (Honours & Pass) Part-II Exam Result-2008 (New-2 & New-1)
Result of B.P.Ed.Final Examination-2008
Students can also find the results of other courses, which were announced earlier, below:
Result of B.Music (Hons)part-II and PGDBCRU 2nd Semester-2008
Result of B.A pass (Distance Educatin ) Part-II Exam-2008
Tripura University BA,B.Sc & B.Com (Honours & Pass) Part-II Exam Result-2008 (New-2 & New-1)
Result of B.P.Ed.Final Examination-2008
Tripura University Results
earthquake in chennai | Chennai Earthquake News!
Earthequake in Chennai, Andaman Earth quake, Chennai earthquake news, Chennai andaman earthquake news
A series of three undersea quakes struck off the Andaman Islands on Friday. Two of them were of high intensity. The earthquakes triggered off fears of another Tsunami. THe impact of the quake was such that buildings shook and there was a power blackout in the Andaman Islands, which forced panic-stricken people out of homes and offices. Though no casualties have been reported but tremors of the quake were felt as far away as the eastern coast at Chennai, where went out of their offices.
The first of the three earthquakes, of magnitude 6.7 on the Richter scale, struck at around 5.10 pm around 115 kilometers southwest of Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The epicentre of the Earthquake lay under the sea at a depth of 35 km. The intensity of the earthquake was such that it shook the ground and rattled buildings in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is already ravaged by earthquakes and tsunami after the tsunami of December 26, 2004.
The second earhquake, which was of moderate intensity (of magnitude 5 on the Richter scale) occurred at 6 pm, while the third one (of magnitude 6.1) was recorded 135 km southwest of Port Blair at around 6.38 pm.
A series of three undersea quakes struck off the Andaman Islands on Friday. Two of them were of high intensity. The earthquakes triggered off fears of another Tsunami. THe impact of the quake was such that buildings shook and there was a power blackout in the Andaman Islands, which forced panic-stricken people out of homes and offices. Though no casualties have been reported but tremors of the quake were felt as far away as the eastern coast at Chennai, where went out of their offices.
The first of the three earthquakes, of magnitude 6.7 on the Richter scale, struck at around 5.10 pm around 115 kilometers southwest of Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The epicentre of the Earthquake lay under the sea at a depth of 35 km. The intensity of the earthquake was such that it shook the ground and rattled buildings in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is already ravaged by earthquakes and tsunami after the tsunami of December 26, 2004.
The second earhquake, which was of moderate intensity (of magnitude 5 on the Richter scale) occurred at 6 pm, while the third one (of magnitude 6.1) was recorded 135 km southwest of Port Blair at around 6.38 pm.
Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Results!
Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Results,SSLC SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION RESULTS - 2008, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board,KSEEB, karresults.nic.in,www.sslc.kar.nic.in
The results of Karnataka SSLC Supplementary exam held recently have been announced by the education board. The students who had appeared in the Karnataka SSLC Supplementary examination can obtain their results by logging on to from any of the following websites:
The results of Karnataka SSLC Supplementary exam held recently have been announced by the education board. The students who had appeared in the Karnataka SSLC Supplementary examination can obtain their results by logging on to from any of the following websites:
EDCET Results | AP EDCET Results!
edcet 2008 results, edcet2008, andhra university, bed results, www.edcet2008.net, Andhra Pradesh University Visakhapatnam
The results of EDCET, which was conducted by Andhra University Visakhapatnam, have been announced. The candidates who had taken the AP EDCET 2008 can obtain their result from the website of EDCET (http://www.edcet2008.net/). The website also provides a list of Toppers in Ed. CET - 2008 along with the general EDCET result. You can also get the Ed. CET Key - 2008 and Ed. CET Final Key - 2008 on the website.
The results of EDCET, which was conducted by Andhra University Visakhapatnam, have been announced. The candidates who had taken the AP EDCET 2008 can obtain their result from the website of EDCET (http://www.edcet2008.net/). The website also provides a list of Toppers in Ed. CET - 2008 along with the general EDCET result. You can also get the Ed. CET Key - 2008 and Ed. CET Final Key - 2008 on the website.
Jammu University Results!
Jammu University Result, jammuuniversity.in, JJU Result, Result of B.A B.Sc B.Com B.B.A B.C.A (Part-III) Annual Examination 2008, Jammu University BA result, BBA result Jammu University
The Jammu UNiversity announced the results of B.A B.Sc B.Com B.B.A B.C.A (Part-III) Annual Examination 2008 on Sunday, June 29, 2008. The results of the above mentioned courses are available on the official website of Jammu University ie http://www.jammuuniversity.in!
The Jammu UNiversity announced the results of B.A B.Sc B.Com B.B.A B.C.A (Part-III) Annual Examination 2008 on Sunday, June 29, 2008. The results of the above mentioned courses are available on the official website of Jammu University ie http://www.jammuuniversity.in!
Jammu University Results
shinjini sengupta!
shinjini sengupta, a 16-year-old girl from Kolkata developed a serious neurological problem after being eliminated from a reality show. This has been alleged by the parents of the girl, shinjini sengupta. The reality show in question is being aired on a Bengali TV channel.
The parents of the girl have also alleged that shinjini developed the disorder after being rebuked harshly by the judges on the reality show. The judges of the reality show, however, have denied the allegations. In fact the doctor who is treating shinjini sengupta too categorically said that “depression” was not the reason of her illness.
The judges have claimed that they did not use any harsh word that would upset the girl to such an extent. The judges have also defended themselves saying that comments and criticisms are an esential part of any reality show.
Dr Sitangshu Shekhar Nandi, who treated shinjini sengupta before her departure for Bangalore said that “depression” has hardly any role to play in the condition in which she is right now. a role in her suffering for the last one month. He said that “When she was brought to me around 13 June, she was not able to speak, move, swallow and even drink.
An MRI scan was done and that showed many abnormalities which made them to doubt whether that was a virus-related brain illness(viral encephelitis). The Dr said that it is a neurological disorder and has nothing to do psychiatry so depression is not the reason for Shinjini's present condition.
The parents of the girl have also alleged that shinjini developed the disorder after being rebuked harshly by the judges on the reality show. The judges of the reality show, however, have denied the allegations. In fact the doctor who is treating shinjini sengupta too categorically said that “depression” was not the reason of her illness.
The judges have claimed that they did not use any harsh word that would upset the girl to such an extent. The judges have also defended themselves saying that comments and criticisms are an esential part of any reality show.
Dr Sitangshu Shekhar Nandi, who treated shinjini sengupta before her departure for Bangalore said that “depression” has hardly any role to play in the condition in which she is right now. a role in her suffering for the last one month. He said that “When she was brought to me around 13 June, she was not able to speak, move, swallow and even drink.
An MRI scan was done and that showed many abnormalities which made them to doubt whether that was a virus-related brain illness(viral encephelitis). The Dr said that it is a neurological disorder and has nothing to do psychiatry so depression is not the reason for Shinjini's present condition.
shinjini sengupta
DU cut off list 2008 | First Cut off!
du cut off list 2008, delhi university cut off list, delhi university first cut off list, du first cut off, delhi university cut off list 2008
Like any other academic year, this year also students are eagerly awaiting the DU cut off list. The process of Delhi University admissions 2008 began about a fortnight ago and since then the student community is abuzz with speculation about DU cut off list.
The first Delhi University cut off marks list for Arts and Commerce and
Science has been announced and can be seen at the official website of delhi University. You can access DU cut off from here. The official DU site says that for more details, the students are advised to contact the respective colleges on or after Thursday, 26th June, 2008.
Like any other academic year, this year also students are eagerly awaiting the DU cut off list. The process of Delhi University admissions 2008 began about a fortnight ago and since then the student community is abuzz with speculation about DU cut off list.
The first Delhi University cut off marks list for Arts and Commerce and
Science has been announced and can be seen at the official website of delhi University. You can access DU cut off from here. The official DU site says that for more details, the students are advised to contact the respective colleges on or after Thursday, 26th June, 2008.
DY patil University | dypatiluniversity.org!
DY patil University result, dypatiluniversity.org, dypatiluniversit, DY Patil University Pune
DY Patil University has announced the results of All India Common Entrance Test 2008 (AICET - 08) for Admission to MBBS & BDS Courses in D Y Patil University Pune. The students who had appeared in the entrance test for the MBBS & BDS Courses can obtain their results from the official website of the DY Patil University.
DY Patil University has announced the results of All India Common Entrance Test 2008 (AICET - 08) for Admission to MBBS & BDS Courses in D Y Patil University Pune. The students who had appeared in the entrance test for the MBBS & BDS Courses can obtain their results from the official website of the DY Patil University.
euro 2008 final result | Euro2008 winners!
euro 2008 final, euro 2008 final score, euro final result, eurocup 2008 final results, germany VS spain Eurocup final
In the Eurocup 2008 final, held at Spain beat Germany 1-0 on Sunday, June 29,2008.
Spain came out victorious, thanks to the goal by Fernando Torres in the 33 minute of the match. Fernando Torres gave the final touch by lifting the ball over German goalkeeper Lehmann, after Xavi gave an intelligent pass. It was interestengily the only goal in the Eurocup 2008 Final.
In all the final was quite clean with only exception being Ballack, who declared himself fit right before the game, and Spanish goalkeeper Kuranyi, who were booked with yellow cards after some heated verbal exchange early in the game.
In the Eurocup 2008 final, held at Spain beat Germany 1-0 on Sunday, June 29,2008.
Spain came out victorious, thanks to the goal by Fernando Torres in the 33 minute of the match. Fernando Torres gave the final touch by lifting the ball over German goalkeeper Lehmann, after Xavi gave an intelligent pass. It was interestengily the only goal in the Eurocup 2008 Final.
In all the final was quite clean with only exception being Ballack, who declared himself fit right before the game, and Spanish goalkeeper Kuranyi, who were booked with yellow cards after some heated verbal exchange early in the game.
singh is king songs | singh is king songs MP3 Download!
singh is king, singh is king mp3 songs, singh is kinng Music release songs, singh is kinng, singh is king mp3 music download
The music and songs of Singh is Kinng was released recently. With the film already in news, people all over the world are trying to find out thye sites where they can download singh is king songs MP3 for free. Internet is abuzz with searches of free music download of Singh is King and download free mp3 Songs Singh Is King. The movie has already made news before its release as it was caught in controversy over religious sentiments.
The songs of Singh is Kinng film were being eagerly awaited by the fans all over. With the release of the songs of the movie, people have started showing great interest in its songs. The music director of Singh is Kinng isPritam. And the songs of the film have been sung by Hard Kaur, Daler Mehndi, Mika Singh and others. Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaiff are the leading stars of the film. Besides the two, Singh is Kinng also features Neha Dhupia, Sonu Sood, Om Puri and few others.
The music and songs of Singh is Kinng was released recently. With the film already in news, people all over the world are trying to find out thye sites where they can download singh is king songs MP3 for free. Internet is abuzz with searches of free music download of Singh is King and download free mp3 Songs Singh Is King. The movie has already made news before its release as it was caught in controversy over religious sentiments.
The songs of Singh is Kinng film were being eagerly awaited by the fans all over. With the release of the songs of the movie, people have started showing great interest in its songs. The music director of Singh is Kinng isPritam. And the songs of the film have been sung by Hard Kaur, Daler Mehndi, Mika Singh and others. Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaiff are the leading stars of the film. Besides the two, Singh is Kinng also features Neha Dhupia, Sonu Sood, Om Puri and few others.
MCD Property Tax | mcdpropertytax.in!
MCD Property Tax online, mcdpropertytax.in, Municipal Corporation of Delhi website, MCD Property Tax web site
Good news for Delhites! The Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit on Saturday, June 28, launched the MCD’s property tax website, which wil help property owners to pay their taxes online. this is a great step forward considering every other utilityy services are paid online.
The MCD property tax website will help more than 8 lakh property owners in the capital to assess, calculate and pay their property tax online under the Unit Area System of self-assessment.
The property website will enable the authorities to assign a Unique Property Identification (UPI) Code for each property in the capital and also keep the municipal assessment book on the Internet as it is mandatory as per the provisions of DMC (Amendment) Act, 2003. Property owners can make all future references using the assigned unique code. Property taxpayers can access the website mcdpropertytax.in and pay their tax through credit card in addition to other modes of payment.
Good news for Delhites! The Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit on Saturday, June 28, launched the MCD’s property tax website, which wil help property owners to pay their taxes online. this is a great step forward considering every other utilityy services are paid online.
The MCD property tax website will help more than 8 lakh property owners in the capital to assess, calculate and pay their property tax online under the Unit Area System of self-assessment.
The property website will enable the authorities to assign a Unique Property Identification (UPI) Code for each property in the capital and also keep the municipal assessment book on the Internet as it is mandatory as per the provisions of DMC (Amendment) Act, 2003. Property owners can make all future references using the assigned unique code. Property taxpayers can access the website mcdpropertytax.in and pay their tax through credit card in addition to other modes of payment.
Rajasthan board 10th result | Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education!
Rajasthan board 10th result, Ajmer Board Results, rajasthan class Xth result 2008, rajasthanboard, rajeduboard.nic.in, ajmer board result class 10 results 2008, Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, RBSE, rajresults.nic.in
Rajasthan board of secondary education (RBSE) is likely to announce the rajasthan board 10th result 2008 on July 1st, 2008at 4 PM. Rajasthan board Ajmer class 10th results will be available on the official website of Rajasthan board of secondary education (RBSE): rajeduboard.nic.in and rajresults.nic.in
Rajasthan board of secondary education (RBSE) is likely to announce the rajasthan board 10th result 2008 on July 1st, 2008at 4 PM. Rajasthan board Ajmer class 10th results will be available on the official website of Rajasthan board of secondary education (RBSE): rajeduboard.nic.in and rajresults.nic.in
Bundelkhand university Jhansi | Results!
bundelkhand, bundelkhand university jhansi, www.bujhansi.org, bujhansi.org, Bundelkhand University results 2008
Bundelkhand University Jhansi has announced the results of various courses. The results of the folowing courses for the academic session 2007-08 have been announced:
To obtain the results of the above mentioned courses, you can log on to the official website of Bundelkhand university Jhansi:
Bundelkhand University Jhansi has announced the results of various courses. The results of the folowing courses for the academic session 2007-08 have been announced:
To obtain the results of the above mentioned courses, you can log on to the official website of Bundelkhand university Jhansi:
Bundelkhand university Jhansi | Results!
bundelkhand, bundelkhand university jhansi, www.bujhansi.org, bujhansi.org, Bundelkhand University results 2008
Bundelkhand University Jhansi has announced the results of various courses. The results of the folowing courses for the academic session 2007-08 have been announced:
To obtain the results of the above mentioned courses, you can log on to the official website of Bundelkhand university Jhansi:
Bundelkhand University Jhansi has announced the results of various courses. The results of the folowing courses for the academic session 2007-08 have been announced:
To obtain the results of the above mentioned courses, you can log on to the official website of Bundelkhand university Jhansi:
Honda Stunner | Honda CBF Stunner!
honda cbf stunner, honda india, hmsi, cbf stunner, CBF 125CC Stunner
Honda Motors and Scooters Indian Limited (HMSI) launched the CBF 125 Stunner bike on June 30th, 2008. The CBF Stunner concept was unveiled at Delhi Auto expo 2008 and since then the bike enthusiasts all over the country were eagerly awaiting the launch of CBF Stunner.
CBF stunner is clearly seemed to be inspired from other Honda CBF series bikes and is aimed to set new standards in the 125cc segment, which is already abuzz with lots of activities.

The new Hinda CBF Stunner exhibits sports styling which is very well reflected in the large shrouds,steeped seats and raised suspension. One thhing is sure, the great graphics is sure to give all other 125 cc bikes run for their money and leave even 150cc owners jealous.
The Honda CBF Stunner is powered by 125cc engine which gives 11bhp and comes in three variants - kick start with drum brake and alloy wheels, self start with drum brake and alloy wheels and self start with disc brake and alloy wheels. Here is the Delhi ex-showroom price of CBF stunner variants:
kick start with drum brake: Rs47070
self start with drum brake: Rs49820
self start with disc brake: Rs51655
Honda Motors and Scooters Indian Limited (HMSI) launched the CBF 125 Stunner bike on June 30th, 2008. The CBF Stunner concept was unveiled at Delhi Auto expo 2008 and since then the bike enthusiasts all over the country were eagerly awaiting the launch of CBF Stunner.
CBF stunner is clearly seemed to be inspired from other Honda CBF series bikes and is aimed to set new standards in the 125cc segment, which is already abuzz with lots of activities.

The new Hinda CBF Stunner exhibits sports styling which is very well reflected in the large shrouds,steeped seats and raised suspension. One thhing is sure, the great graphics is sure to give all other 125 cc bikes run for their money and leave even 150cc owners jealous.
The Honda CBF Stunner is powered by 125cc engine which gives 11bhp and comes in three variants - kick start with drum brake and alloy wheels, self start with drum brake and alloy wheels and self start with disc brake and alloy wheels. Here is the Delhi ex-showroom price of CBF stunner variants:
kick start with drum brake: Rs47070
self start with drum brake: Rs49820
self start with disc brake: Rs51655
ICAI results | CA result 2008!
icai.org, icai, cpa, caresults.nic.in, institute of chartered accountants, result of chartered accountants 2008, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Results of the Chartered Accountants (CA) final and Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in the month of May-June, 2008 are likely to be announced on the 12th of July, 2008.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) conducts the exam for Chartered Accountants (CA). ICAI is a statutory body, which was established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, by the government of India, for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants (CAs) in India. For further information, you can log on to the the following websites.
Results of the Chartered Accountants (CA) final and Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in the month of May-June, 2008 are likely to be announced on the 12th of July, 2008.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) conducts the exam for Chartered Accountants (CA). ICAI is a statutory body, which was established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, by the government of India, for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants (CAs) in India. For further information, you can log on to the the following websites.
DU second cut off list | Delhi University second cut-off!
DU second cut off list, Delhi University Second Cut-off 2008, DU Arts cut-off, DU Commerce cut off, DU Science second cut-off, DU Cutoff list, DU Admission cut-off
The Delhi University (DU) has announced the DU second cut off list for arts and commerce and science subjects for admission to academic session 2008-09. Those who are interested in knowing more about DU second cut off list can click on the link below and find comprehensive information.
The delhi University website says that for further details, the candidates can contact the respective Colleges on Tuesday July 1st, 2008. The eligible candidates who meet the requirements given in the Second cut-off Admision list are advised to complete admission formalities in the concerned Colleges by July 4th, 2008.
Delhi University has also announced the second cut-off for SC/ST candidates.
WWW.DU second Cut off list.COM
The Delhi University (DU) has announced the DU second cut off list for arts and commerce and science subjects for admission to academic session 2008-09. Those who are interested in knowing more about DU second cut off list can click on the link below and find comprehensive information.
The delhi University website says that for further details, the candidates can contact the respective Colleges on Tuesday July 1st, 2008. The eligible candidates who meet the requirements given in the Second cut-off Admision list are advised to complete admission formalities in the concerned Colleges by July 4th, 2008.
Delhi University has also announced the second cut-off for SC/ST candidates.
WWW.DU second Cut off list.COM
Kuselan MP3 | Kuselan Songs mp3 download!
kuselan mp3, kuselan songs free download, kuselan, kuselan mp3 download, kusalan songs, kuselan audio release, rajinikanth kuselan songs, rajini kuselan songs
The music/songs/audio of Rajinikanth’s much awaited film Kuselan was released at Le Meridian hotel in Chennai on June 30, 2008. Like Rajnikanth's all other films, kuselan songs release was also eagerly awaited by his fans. In fact, the internet search trends are abuzz with searches of Kuselan Songs mp3 download, Kuselan Songs free mp3 download, Kuselan music review.
We dont recommend or encourage music piracy but for all those who are looking for free download of Tamil film Kuselan songs, here are a few external links:
1. http://www.raaga.com/channels/tamil/movie/T0001326.html
2. http://www.tamilmusica.com/
3. http://www.tamilentertainments.com/
The music/songs/audio of Rajinikanth’s much awaited film Kuselan was released at Le Meridian hotel in Chennai on June 30, 2008. Like Rajnikanth's all other films, kuselan songs release was also eagerly awaited by his fans. In fact, the internet search trends are abuzz with searches of Kuselan Songs mp3 download, Kuselan Songs free mp3 download, Kuselan music review.
We dont recommend or encourage music piracy but for all those who are looking for free download of Tamil film Kuselan songs, here are a few external links:
1. http://www.raaga.com/channels/tamil/movie/T0001326.html
2. http://www.tamilmusica.com/
3. http://www.tamilentertainments.com/
Madras University Results 2008 | UNOM!
Madras University Results, Madras University Results Chennai, MU result, University of Madras, unom.ac.in, UNOM results
University of Madras (UNOM) is likely to announce the results for the academic year 2007-08 any time from now. The result will be announced for various undergraduate/UG and Post Graduate/PG courses taught in the Madras University, Chennai. The students who had appeared in the various exams conducted recently by the Madras University, can check out this space for the latest update. You can also browse the official website of Madras university:
University of Madras (UNOM) is likely to announce the results for the academic year 2007-08 any time from now. The result will be announced for various undergraduate/UG and Post Graduate/PG courses taught in the Madras University, Chennai. The students who had appeared in the various exams conducted recently by the Madras University, can check out this space for the latest update. You can also browse the official website of Madras university:
AHSEC Results | Assam Higher Secondary Education Council!
AHSEC Results 2008, Assam higher secondary education council, ahsec result 2008, www.ahsec.nic.in, aahsec result, www.resultsassam.nic.in, assam results, ahsec 1st year result
Results of all streams of Assam Higher Secondary first year examination, 2008, which was conducted by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council/AHSEC has been announced on July 2 at 11 am in all the district headquarters of Assam. The AHSEC first year Results 2008 can be obtained from the official website of Assam higher secondary education council/ AHSEC: www.ahsec.nic.in and www.resultsassam.nic.in
Results of all streams of Assam Higher Secondary first year examination, 2008, which was conducted by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council/AHSEC has been announced on July 2 at 11 am in all the district headquarters of Assam. The AHSEC first year Results 2008 can be obtained from the official website of Assam higher secondary education council/ AHSEC: www.ahsec.nic.in and www.resultsassam.nic.in
Shivaji University Results | Shivaji University Admission!
unishivaji, shivaji university results 2008, www.unishivaji.ac.in, shivaji university Kolhapur result, shivajiuniversity
On the official website of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, you can obtain iformation related to various results and admission procedures. The admission process and results of courses such as B tech, M tech, B.B.A., B.C.A. and B.C.S are given on the official web site of Shivaji University, Kolhapur:
B.B.A., B.C.A., and B.C.S. Centralized Admission Process 2008-2009
M.Tech. Entrance Exam 2008 - Merit List
Admission Notice - D.C.P. (Computer Sci.) 2008-09
External Courses Admission Notification 2008 , > Reference Document
B. Tech. & M.Tech. Admission Notification 2008-2009 B. Tech. - Foreign Students, B.Tech. Online Registration for Foreign Students
Admission Process 2008-2009
On the official website of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, you can obtain iformation related to various results and admission procedures. The admission process and results of courses such as B tech, M tech, B.B.A., B.C.A. and B.C.S are given on the official web site of Shivaji University, Kolhapur:
General Merit For B.Tech. Entrance Exam. 2008
Category Merit For B.Tech. Entrance Exam., 2008
B.Tech. Admission Rounds Details 2008
B.Tech. Admission - Method of deciding candidate merit
Category Merit For B.Tech. Entrance Exam., 2008
B.Tech. Admission Rounds Details 2008
B.Tech. Admission - Method of deciding candidate merit
B.B.A., B.C.A., and B.C.S. Centralized Admission Process 2008-2009
M.Tech. Entrance Exam 2008 - Merit List
Admission Notice - D.C.P. (Computer Sci.) 2008-09
External Courses Admission Notification 2008 , > Reference Document
B. Tech. & M.Tech. Admission Notification 2008-2009 B. Tech. - Foreign Students, B.Tech. Online Registration for Foreign Students
Admission Process 2008-2009
poly40 | West Bengal Council of Technical Education!
poly40 results, West Bengal Council of Technical Education, WBCTE, www.webscte.org, poly 40 result 2008, POLY-40 Scheme, www.wbtet.nic.in, Poly40 Admission
West Bengal Council of Technical Education poly40 Scheme
The West Bengal Council of Technical Education/ WBCTE has announced the poly40 results 2008. The result of poly 40 scheme is available on the official website of the WBCTE:
West Bengal Council of Technical Education poly40 Scheme
The West Bengal Council of Technical Education/ WBCTE has announced the poly40 results 2008. The result of poly 40 scheme is available on the official website of the WBCTE:
RGUHS Results | rguhs.ac.in!
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, rguhs, http://www.rguhs.ac.in/, RGUHS RESULTS 2008, rguhs.ac.in
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Karnakataka has announced the 2008 results. Students can obtain their RGUHS result from the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. The RGUHS is a member of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Karnakataka has announced the 2008 results. Students can obtain their RGUHS result from the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. The RGUHS is a member of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
MGR university Results | drmgrdu.ac.in!
Dr MGR university Results 2008, Dr MGR educational and Research institute, MGR University Results for UG-PG May-June 2008, http://www.drmgrdu.ac.in
Dr MGR educational and Research institute/ Dr MGR University has declared the UG and PG results for various exams held in May-June 2008. he results of MGRU is available on the official website of the MGR University. The website says that some of the results have been withheld and the results of some students have been declared as WH1 (Malpractice). In such cases the students will have to visit concerned officials and authorities.
Dr MGR educational and Research institute/ Dr MGR University has declared the UG and PG results for various exams held in May-June 2008. he results of MGRU is available on the official website of the MGR University. The website says that some of the results have been withheld and the results of some students have been declared as WH1 (Malpractice). In such cases the students will have to visit concerned officials and authorities.
Safeena Kapoor Khan!
Safeena Kapoor Khan, Safina Kapoor Khan, Kareena, Saif, Safeena Kapur Khan
Safeena Kapoor Khan is the name by which a prankster has opened an account on a popular networking website. Safeena Kapoor Khan seems a combination of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor,Bollywood’s latest hot couple. This prank on Kareena and Saif is giving several anxious moments to the couple.
The person is leaking out not only very private information about Saif and Kareena, but he is also updating his site with un-posed pics of Saif and Kareena, which are said to be quite personal. It is interesting to note that the person is posting every move of the Bollywood couple in love, which they would not like to share with anyone except their friends and family.
The incident seems to be quite serious as it amounts to tresspass the privacy of two individuals. It is, however, not clear whether the couple will go to Police in this matter. Close friends of the couple in love find it a clear case of cyber crime.
Safeena Kapoor Khan is the name by which a prankster has opened an account on a popular networking website. Safeena Kapoor Khan seems a combination of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor,Bollywood’s latest hot couple. This prank on Kareena and Saif is giving several anxious moments to the couple.
The person is leaking out not only very private information about Saif and Kareena, but he is also updating his site with un-posed pics of Saif and Kareena, which are said to be quite personal. It is interesting to note that the person is posting every move of the Bollywood couple in love, which they would not like to share with anyone except their friends and family.
The incident seems to be quite serious as it amounts to tresspass the privacy of two individuals. It is, however, not clear whether the couple will go to Police in this matter. Close friends of the couple in love find it a clear case of cyber crime.
Safeena Kapoor Khan
PSBTE | Punjab State Counselling Results,www.psbte.gov.in!
Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training, Government of Punjab, http://psbte.gov.in/,punjabteched, psbte.gov.in
The official website of Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training, Government of Punjab, says that Online counseling for Diploma in Engineering and LEET Engineering will begin from 3rd July 2008 by 9:00 AM and online counseling for Diploma in Pharmacy will start from 7th July 2008 by 9:00 AM. For further information, you can log on to the official website of Punjab State Counseling:
The official website of Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training, Government of Punjab, says that Online counseling for Diploma in Engineering and LEET Engineering will begin from 3rd July 2008 by 9:00 AM and online counseling for Diploma in Pharmacy will start from 7th July 2008 by 9:00 AM. For further information, you can log on to the official website of Punjab State Counseling:
Anna University Results | Anna univ results 2008!
Anna univ results 2008, http://www.annauniv.edu, annauniversity results, anna univ results, Annauniversity, annauniv results, UG / PG Results April / May 2008, Anna University Chennai
Anna UNiversity, Chennai, has announced the results of . The students who had appeared in these exams (UG / PG Results April / May 2008) can obtain their results from the official website of Anna University. The official website of Anna University is:
Anna UNiversity, Chennai, has announced the results of . The students who had appeared in these exams (UG / PG Results April / May 2008) can obtain their results from the official website of Anna University. The official website of Anna University is:
Mangalore University Results!
Mangalore University Results 2008, Mangalore Uni Result, www.mangaloreuniversity.ac.in
Mangalore University has announced the results of various courses. Students who had appeared in B.Sc B.Com, B.A, B.S.W, B.C.A and B.B.M can obtain their results from the official website of Mangalore University. Result of I and III Semester MSW Exam along with Re-valuation result has also been declared. The official website of Mangalore University is:
Mangalore University has announced the results of various courses. Students who had appeared in B.Sc B.Com, B.A, B.S.W, B.C.A and B.B.M can obtain their results from the official website of Mangalore University. Result of I and III Semester MSW Exam along with Re-valuation result has also been declared. The official website of Mangalore University is:
PTET 2008 | www.ptet2008.org!
www.ptet2008.org, ptet 2008, Pre Teachers Entrance Test, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur PTET 2008, ptet2008.org, ptet2008, ptet, www.ptet2008.org
PTET 2008 (Pre Teachers Entrance test) being conducted by Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, will be held at July 5, 2008 between 2 pm to 5 pm. It has been published on the official website of PTET 2008:
PTET 2008 (Pre Teachers Entrance test) being conducted by Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, will be held at July 5, 2008 between 2 pm to 5 pm. It has been published on the official website of PTET 2008:
Periyar UNiversity Results!
periyar university, periyar university results 2008, university results, periyar university result, bharathiyar university, www.periyarresults.org.in
Periyar University, Salem, has announced the results for Periyar Distance Learning Education (PRIDE). The results of PRIDE- other state can be obtained from the official; website of the Periyar University. The following is the website address from where candidates can get their result.
Periyar University, Salem, has announced the results for Periyar Distance Learning Education (PRIDE). The results of PRIDE- other state can be obtained from the official; website of the Periyar University. The following is the website address from where candidates can get their result.
Periyar UNiversity Results
Bharathidasan university results!
Bharathidasan university results, bharathidasan university result, Bharathidasan university Tiruchirapalli, Bharathidasan university Trichy result 2008
Bharathidasan university, Trichy, has declared the results for various courses for which examinations were held in APRIL / MAY 2008 for the academic session 2007-2008. Results for various Under Graduate/ UG and Post Graduate /PG courese have been announced. The official website of the University has published the results:
The subjects/courses are as follows:
Under Graduate Courses (Private)
B.A. (Except Sociology) (NON CBCS)
B.Com (Bank Management) (NON CBCS)
Under Graduate Courses (CBCS Pattern)
B.Com.(Computer Applications)
B.A. (Except Sociology)
B.A. (Sociology)
B.Com. (Bank Management)
B.Sc (Except Health Care and Hospital Management)
Post-Graduate Courses
M.Phil (Results for all subjects except Music have been announced)
Bharathidasan university, Trichy, has declared the results for various courses for which examinations were held in APRIL / MAY 2008 for the academic session 2007-2008. Results for various Under Graduate/ UG and Post Graduate /PG courese have been announced. The official website of the University has published the results:
The subjects/courses are as follows:
Under Graduate Courses (Private)
B.A. (Except Sociology) (NON CBCS)
B.Com (Bank Management) (NON CBCS)
Under Graduate Courses (CBCS Pattern)
B.Com.(Computer Applications)
B.A. (Except Sociology)
B.A. (Sociology)
B.Com. (Bank Management)
B.Sc (Except Health Care and Hospital Management)
Post-Graduate Courses
M.Phil (Results for all subjects except Music have been announced)

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