Maharashtra Board of Techncal Education/MSBTE diploma summer exam 2009 result has been announced. MSBTE diploma summer exam 2009 was held recently.
The results of Maharashtra booard of technical education/MSBTE diploma summer exams can be seen on the official website of MSBTE:

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uptu result 1st year | uptu B Tech first year result 2009
Uttar Pradesh Technical University/UPTU is the governing body of higher education in all the technical in all the technical institutes/colleges in the state of Uttar Pradesh/UP.
The results of UPTU BTech first year exam 2009 is about to be announced. For more information on UPTU BTech first yr exam 2009 results, you can visit the official website of UPTU.
The results of UPTU BTech first year exam 2009 is about to be announced. For more information on UPTU BTech first yr exam 2009 results, you can visit the official website of UPTU.
aiims mbbs exam result 2009 | aiims entrance test result 2009
aiims entrance exam 2009 result, aiims entrance result 2009, aiims 2009, aiims results
All Indian Institute of medical sciences/AIIMS entrance exam MBBS 2009 results have been announced. The results of AIIMS MBBS exam 2009 can be viewed on the offcial website of the AIIMS, NEW DELHI.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi is the top ranked medical institution of India. The AIIMS entrance test for admission into MBBS course 2009 was held recently.
All Indian Institute of medical sciences/AIIMS entrance exam MBBS 2009 results have been announced. The results of AIIMS MBBS exam 2009 can be viewed on the offcial website of the AIIMS, NEW DELHI.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi is the top ranked medical institution of India. The AIIMS entrance test for admission into MBBS course 2009 was held recently.
uptu off campus counselling | UPTU On Campus On-line Counseling
uptu counselling, uptu off campus online counselling 2009, uptu counseling 2009, uptu offline counselling, uptu online counselling Procedure
Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) counselling procedure is divided in two phases- UPTU Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling and UPTU Phase-II: On-Campus On-line Counselling.
The Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling will be held between 05-07-09 TO 08-07-2009 and the Phase-II On-Campus On-line Counselling will be held between 10-07-09 TO 17-08-2009.
For a detailed information on UPTU online counselling, you can refer to
Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) counselling procedure is divided in two phases- UPTU Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling and UPTU Phase-II: On-Campus On-line Counselling.
The Phase-I Off-Campus On-Line Counselling will be held between 05-07-09 TO 08-07-2009 and the Phase-II On-Campus On-line Counselling will be held between 10-07-09 TO 17-08-2009.
For a detailed information on UPTU online counselling, you can refer to
MAT September 2009 | MAT Test
Management aptitude test 2009, September mat, mat 2009, September 2009 Mat
All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts Management Aptitude Test (MAT) for admissions in post graduation degree and diploma programs. All students who are graduate from any discipline from a recognized university can sit for MAT. Final year students can also apply.
Last date for availability of MAT Bulletin is 10th August 2009 and Last date of receipt of filled form at AIMA New Delhi is 13th August 2009.
According to the available information the MAT Test 2009 will be conducted on 6th September 2009 at 10:00 a.m – 12:30 p.m.
For more details and information on MAT September 2009 | MAT Test kindly visit the official website -
All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts Management Aptitude Test (MAT) for admissions in post graduation degree and diploma programs. All students who are graduate from any discipline from a recognized university can sit for MAT. Final year students can also apply.
Last date for availability of MAT Bulletin is 10th August 2009 and Last date of receipt of filled form at AIMA New Delhi is 13th August 2009.
According to the available information the MAT Test 2009 will be conducted on 6th September 2009 at 10:00 a.m – 12:30 p.m.
For more details and information on MAT September 2009 | MAT Test kindly visit the official website -
bstc 2009 cutt off marks | bstc cut off list | bstc2009 cut of marks
cut off marks of Rajasthan bstc/NTT2009, BSTC NTT BSTC (SNASKRIT) ENTRANCE 2009 GCA
BSTC 2009 Examination Result has already been declared. The results of Rajasthan bstc/NTT2009 exam can be obtained from the official website of BSTC GCA Ajmer,
For information related to bstc 2009 cut off marks and score list, you can log on to the official website and seek the latest news and information.
BSTC 2009 Examination Result has already been declared. The results of Rajasthan bstc/NTT2009 exam can be obtained from the official website of BSTC GCA Ajmer,
For information related to bstc 2009 cut off marks and score list, you can log on to the official website and seek the latest news and information.
rajasthan board ajmer 10th result | rajasthan class Xth result 2009
Ajmer Board 10th result 2009, Rajasthan Class Xth exam 2009 results, Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Ajmer
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, will announce the rajasthan board class 10th exam result on July 7, 2009.
According to information received, Ajmer Board class Xth exam 2009 result will be available on the official result website of Rajasthan government,
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, will announce the rajasthan board class 10th exam result on July 7, 2009.
According to information received, Ajmer Board class Xth exam 2009 result will be available on the official result website of Rajasthan government,
RPET 2009 Result | Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Results
Rajasthan technical university result, tru rpet result 2009, rajasthan preengineering result, rajasthan pre-engineering result 2009
Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) conducted a Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test (RPET) on 18th June 2009.
According to the available information the Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Result will be announced soon.
For more information and latest updates on RPET 2009 Result | Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) conducted a Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test (RPET) on 18th June 2009.
According to the available information the Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Result will be announced soon.
For more information and latest updates on RPET 2009 Result | Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
Madras University Result 2009 | Madras University Revaluation Result
Madras university, madras university revaluation mba result, revaluation mca result, madras university revaluation result
According to the available information Madras University declared its revaluation results for MCA, M.SC (IT) and MBA courses 2009.
Students can get their result from the official website.
For result and more information on Madras University Result 2009 | Madras University Revaluation Result kindly visit this space or the official website -
According to the available information Madras University declared its revaluation results for MCA, M.SC (IT) and MBA courses 2009.
Students can get their result from the official website.
For result and more information on Madras University Result 2009 | Madras University Revaluation Result kindly visit this space or the official website -
Haryana HSCS DET Results | diploma results of det in haryana 2009
Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET Result, Haryana diploma result 2009, Haryana HSCS DET & DIET exam 2009 result
Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS has announced the Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET examination 2009 result.
Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS, under the Department of Technical Education of Haryana government conducted the DET and DIET entrance test on June 21 and June 28, 2009.
harayana DET & DIET exam 2009 was conducted for polytechnic admission in diploma in engineering, diploma in engineering lateral entry, diploma in pharmacy and diploma in management.
You can get the results at
Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS has announced the Haryana HSCS Polytechnic DET & DIET examination 2009 result.
Harayana State Counselling Society/HSCS, under the Department of Technical Education of Haryana government conducted the DET and DIET entrance test on June 21 and June 28, 2009.
harayana DET & DIET exam 2009 was conducted for polytechnic admission in diploma in engineering, diploma in engineering lateral entry, diploma in pharmacy and diploma in management.
You can get the results at
BSNL JTO 2009 Result | BSNL Junior Telecom Officer Result
Bharat sanchar nigam ltd, bsnl junior telecom officer result 2009, bsnl jto competitive exam result, jto electrical result, jto civil result 2009
Bharat Sachar Nigam Limited (BSNL) conducted a competitive examination on 21st June 2009 to fill in the vacancies for Junior Telecom Officer (JTO).
According to the available information the result of the examination will be announced soon.
For results and more information on BSNL JTO 2009 Result | BSNL Junior Telecom Officer Result kindly visit the official website -
Bharat Sachar Nigam Limited (BSNL) conducted a competitive examination on 21st June 2009 to fill in the vacancies for Junior Telecom Officer (JTO).
According to the available information the result of the examination will be announced soon.
For results and more information on BSNL JTO 2009 Result | BSNL Junior Telecom Officer Result kindly visit the official website -
Roshani Nadar | Roshni Nadar CEO Of HCL
Hcl corporation, roshani nadir, new ceo of hcl, ceo of hcl rosshani nadir, roshi nadar
The Founder of HCL Mr. Shiv Nadar completed his sucession planning by appointing his daughter Ms. Roshani Nadar as the Executive Director and CEO of HCL.
“She took over in the new post from April,” Mr Nadar told newspersons at the SSN College of Engineering on the outskirts of Chennai.
Ms. Roshani is a post graduate in Social Enterprise Management and Strategy from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
Ms. Roshani Nadar will be responsible for strategic decision making at HCL and she will also be involved in brand building across the HCL Group.
The Founder of HCL Mr. Shiv Nadar completed his sucession planning by appointing his daughter Ms. Roshani Nadar as the Executive Director and CEO of HCL.
“She took over in the new post from April,” Mr Nadar told newspersons at the SSN College of Engineering on the outskirts of Chennai.
Ms. Roshani is a post graduate in Social Enterprise Management and Strategy from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
Ms. Roshani Nadar will be responsible for strategic decision making at HCL and she will also be involved in brand building across the HCL Group.
RGTU Results 2009 | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Results | RGPV Results
Rgtu result, rgtu 8th semester results, rajiv technical university admissions 2009, rgtu 2009 results, RGPV Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya M.P.
Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) situated in M.P is one of the best technical universities in India.
According to the available information the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University declared its B.Pharmacy 8th Semester results.
Students can get their results from the official website.
For more information And latest updates on RGTU Results 2009 | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Results | RGPV Results kindly visit the official website -
Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) situated in M.P is one of the best technical universities in India.
According to the available information the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University declared its B.Pharmacy 8th Semester results.
Students can get their results from the official website.
For more information And latest updates on RGTU Results 2009 | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Results | RGPV Results kindly visit the official website -
MK University Result 2009 | Madurai Kamaraj University Results
Mku undergraduate results, mku post graduate result, mk university u.g result 2009, mk university p.g result 2009
According to the available information Madurai Kamaraj University declared its Undergraduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Courses Results.
Students can obtain their results from the official website.
For results and more information on MK University Result 2009 | Madurai Kamaraj University Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
According to the available information Madurai Kamaraj University declared its Undergraduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Courses Results.
Students can obtain their results from the official website.
For results and more information on MK University Result 2009 | Madurai Kamaraj University Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
Himachal Pradesh University BA Results 2009 | Compartment & Full Subject result
Himachal Pradesh University has announced the B.A. (Pass Course) IIIrd Year Examination March 2009 results for both compartment and full subjects.
Himachal Pradesh University BA results for English, Political Science, Hindi Elective, Economics, History, Mathematics, Sociology, Sanskrit Elective, Music, Geography, Home Science, Pub Administration, Physical Education, Philosophy, Tourism And Travel Management have been announced,
Himachal Pradesh University BA Examination 2009 results are available on its official website
Himachal Pradesh University BA results for English, Political Science, Hindi Elective, Economics, History, Mathematics, Sociology, Sanskrit Elective, Music, Geography, Home Science, Pub Administration, Physical Education, Philosophy, Tourism And Travel Management have been announced,
Himachal Pradesh University BA Examination 2009 results are available on its official website
bhu pmt mains 2009 result | bhu pmt main exam results 2009
Banaras Hindu IMS/Institute of Medical Sciences will announce the BHU PMT/Pre medical main examination 2009 results on July 2, 2009.
The first stage of BHU PMT pre exam was held in the month of June. BHU PMT pre exam was the screening test for sorting out only a few candidates to sit in the eassy type BHU PMT main exam.
The first stage of BHU PMT pre exam was held in the month of June. BHU PMT pre exam was the screening test for sorting out only a few candidates to sit in the eassy type BHU PMT main exam.
CSJM Kanpur University BA, BCom, BSc Exam Results
Chatrapati Shahu Ji maharaj kanpur University/CSJM has announced the result of BA, BCom, BSc Examination 2009.
Chatrapati Shahu Ji maharaj kanpur University BA, BCom, BSc results have been announced for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year exams. You can view your results at
Chatrapati Shahu Ji maharaj kanpur University BA, BCom, BSc results have been announced for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year exams. You can view your results at
Manupur University Exam results | Manupur University results 2009
Manipur University has announced the results of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd Year exam 2009 Examination Results. The following results have been announced. You can get your Manipur results by logging on to
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 Biotech.
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.A. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Sc. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (Honours)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 B.Com. (General)
Manipur University 3rd Year 2009 Biotech.
Bits Admission 2009 | Bitsat Result
Bits pilani admissions, bitsat result 2009, bits admission, bitspillani, bits pillani admission schedule
According to the available information Bits Pilani declared BITSAT result 2009.
Candidates can get their result from the official website.
For result and more information on Bits Admission 2009 | Bitsat Result kindly visit this space or the official website -
According to the available information Bits Pilani declared BITSAT result 2009.
Candidates can get their result from the official website.
For result and more information on Bits Admission 2009 | Bitsat Result kindly visit this space or the official website -
UP Polytechnic Result 2009 | UP Poly Results And Admissions
Polytenic counseling, politecnic admissions 2009, bteup polytechnic admissions, polyadmissions uttar Pradesh, polytechnic allotment, up polytechnic 2009 results,rank list, uttar pradesh polytechnic entrance exam result, polytechnic admission schedule
Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education was set up on in May 1958. The name of the state Board was changed to "Board Of Technical Education" in 1962.
According to the available information the Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education will declare its Polytechnic Result on 4th July 2009.
For results and more information on UP Polytechnic Result 2009 | UP Poly Results And Admissions kindly visit the official website -
Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education was set up on in May 1958. The name of the state Board was changed to "Board Of Technical Education" in 1962.
According to the available information the Uttar Pradesh Board Of Technical Education will declare its Polytechnic Result on 4th July 2009.
For results and more information on UP Polytechnic Result 2009 | UP Poly Results And Admissions kindly visit the official website -
Sliet Longowal Admissions 2009 | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology
Slient admissions, slient longowal courses, slient engineering courses, courses
Sant Longowal Institute Of Engineering and Technology institute was established by Ministry Of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India in the year 1989 and was formally inaugurated on 20th December 1991.
The institute offers courses in various branches of technology and engineering. It offers courses at certificate, diploma,, pg and degree level.
For more information and latest updates on Sliet Longowal Admissions 2009 | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology kindly visit the official website -
Sant Longowal Institute Of Engineering and Technology institute was established by Ministry Of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India in the year 1989 and was formally inaugurated on 20th December 1991.
The institute offers courses in various branches of technology and engineering. It offers courses at certificate, diploma,, pg and degree level.
For more information and latest updates on Sliet Longowal Admissions 2009 | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology kindly visit the official website -
MLSU Result 2009 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University Results
Mlsu u.g results 2009, mohan lal sukhadia university third year result, mlsu 3rd year results 2009, mlsu under graduate result 2009
Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur is one of the prestigious and largest university of Rajasthan.
According to the available information MLSU declared its B.Sc 3rd Year U.G results. The examination was conducted in April 2009.
The results are available on the official website.
For results and more information on MLSU Result 2009 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur is one of the prestigious and largest university of Rajasthan.
According to the available information MLSU declared its B.Sc 3rd Year U.G results. The examination was conducted in April 2009.
The results are available on the official website.
For results and more information on MLSU Result 2009 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University Results kindly visit this space or the official website -
Periyar University Result 2009 | Periyar University U.G Results
Periyar university admission, periyar university examination schedule, periyar university results 2009
According to the available information Periyar University declared its U.G results. The exams were conducted in april-may 2009.
Students can get their results from the official website.
For more information and latest updates on Periyar University Result 2009 | Periyar University U.G Results kindly visit the official website -
According to the available information Periyar University declared its U.G results. The exams were conducted in april-may 2009.
Students can get their results from the official website.
For more information and latest updates on Periyar University Result 2009 | Periyar University U.G Results kindly visit the official website -
Uttarakhand technical University Counselling | UPTU Counseling 2009
Uttarakhand technical University Counselling 2009, Uttranchal technical University Counseling
Uttarakhand technical University has already announced the results of Uttarakhand technical University entrance exam.
According to the information available on the official website of Uttrakhand technical University, counselling for UTU Uttranchal will be held in the first week of July after NIT counseling.
Uttarakhand technical University has already announced the results of Uttarakhand technical University entrance exam.
According to the information available on the official website of Uttrakhand technical University, counselling for UTU Uttranchal will be held in the first week of July after NIT counseling.
JNU Results | JNU Combined Entrance Exam Results 2009
JNU Results, Jawaharlal Nehru University , JNU New delhi Results, JNU Combined Entrance Results, JNU Exam Results 2009
Jawaharlal Nehru University popularly known as JNU has announced the results of Combined Entrance Examination result for Admission to courses like M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Agriculture/ Veterinary Science and M.Tech. Biotechnolgy 2009-2010. To get more information on JNU Combined Entrance Examination Results - 2009-2010, you can visit the below link.
Jawaharlal Nehru University popularly known as JNU has announced the results of Combined Entrance Examination result for Admission to courses like M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Agriculture/ Veterinary Science and M.Tech. Biotechnolgy 2009-2010. To get more information on JNU Combined Entrance Examination Results - 2009-2010, you can visit the below link.
Periyar University UG Results | Periyar University Exam Results 2009
Periyar University UG result 2009, Periyar University UG Exam Results
According to the latest information available on the official website of Periyar University results, the University will soon announce the results of UG exam, which was held in the months of APR / MAY - 2009.
For the latest updates on Periyar University UG exam results, you can visit the website of Periyar University results,
According to the latest information available on the official website of Periyar University results, the University will soon announce the results of UG exam, which was held in the months of APR / MAY - 2009.
For the latest updates on Periyar University UG exam results, you can visit the website of Periyar University results,

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