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UPTU SEE 2009 Results | U P Technical University SEE Exam 2009 Results

Uttar Pradesh Technical University/UPTU SEE Examination Results 2009, UPTU Lucknow SEE exam results 2009, UPTU State Entrance Examination results

The results of UPTU SEE 2009, conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, will be announced on 31st May, 2009. UPTU State Entrance Examination 2009 was held recently.

The information related to the declaration of UP TU SEE exam 2009 results is available with UP results website (

According to information available on the website, Uttar Pradesh Technical University/UPTU SEE Examination Results 2009 willbe announced at 12.30 P.M. and will be available for viewing afterward.

Manipur HSLC Results 2009, Manipur Class X Exam Results 2009,HSLC Exam Results 2009

Manipur High School Leaving Certificate Examination 2009 Results, Manipur HSLC exam class 10th results, Manipur 10th exam 2009 result

Results of Manipur HSLC 2009 exam, Conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Manipur, will be announced on 31st May, 2009. Manipur High School Leaving Certificate /HSLC Examination 2009 Results will be available on the official website of Manipur results.

The information related to the declaration of Manipur Manipur HSLC Results 2009 is available on the website of and Man HSLC Results 2009 will be available after at 12:30 Hrs on 31st May, 2009.

AIEEE Counselling 2009 | AIEEE 2009 Online Counselling | All India Engineering Entrance Examination

AIEEE exam Counselling 2009, AIEEE examination Online 2009 Counselling, CBSE All India Engineering Entrance Examination counseling

The result of CBSE AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) 2009 exam was announced on 30th May, 2009. With the announcement of AIEEE 2009 main/final results, the speed for AIEEE Counselling has gathered momentum.

According to the information available on the official website, , they will soon make available the related data and information on AIEE exam 2009 counselling.

For more information on AIEEE 2009 Office Memorandum, Composition of CCB for AIEEE -2009, List CCB HQ, Technical Committee, Opening and Closing Rank - AIEEE 2009, you can visit tyhe official website---

WBCHSE 12th 2009 results | WEST BENGAL Class XIIth 2009 exam results | WB HIGHER SECONDARY EXAM

West Bengal COUNCIL OF HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION ( WB HSE) will announce the WB Higher Secondary examination 2009 CLASS-XII/12th RESULTS on 29th May, 2009.

According to information available with the official results website of the government of West Bengal, the council will announce the class 12 exam 2009 resuts at 10 AM. You can get your class XIIth exam 2009 results from the same website.

To get your west Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education Exam 2009 results, you need to visit after 10 AM.

CBSE class 10th 2009 Delhi, Allahabad, Guwahati Results | CBSE Xth Results

CBSE class 10 2009 Delhi Results, Central Board of Secondary education Xth Board Gauhati Result, CBSE Allahabad 10th exam 2009 online results

The central Board of Secondary Education/CBSE will announce the CBSE Board class 10th exam 2009 results for Delhi, Allahabad and Guwahati/Gauhati regions on 29th May, 2009.

According to thye information available with the official website of the CBSe board, the results of class 10th of Delhi, Allahabad and Guwahati/Gauhati regionswill be announced at 10:00 hrs on 29th May, 2009.

WBBSE WB Madhyamik Class 10 Results 2009 | West Bengal Xth Madhyamik pariksha/SE

West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha 2009 results, WBBSE class XIIth exam result

Acvcording to information available on the official website of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education /WBBSE, the results of WB Madhyamik Pariksha/SE Class 10th exam 2009 will be announced on 28th May, 2009 at 11:00 hrs.

RESULTS WILL BE available 11 AM onwards on the officialwebsite of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and WB results ---

GSEB SSC Exam 2009 results | GSEB class 10th result | Gujarat Xth result

Gujarat Secondary Education Board 2009 results, gseb 2009, gshseb, ghseb

Gujarat Secondary Education Board/GSEB is expected to announce the Gujarat SSC exam results 2009 soon. The Gujarat class 10th/SSC exams were held recently all over the state.

According to information available, GSEB SSC examination 2009 results will be announced in the next few days. We will bring the latest updates on the Xth exam 2009 results on this website.

For the latest updates on Gujarat SSC Exam 2009 results, you can visit the official website of Gujarat Secondary Education Board---

GHSEB HSC results 2009 | Gujarat HSC results 2009 | Gujrat Class 12th Result

Gujarat Higher Secondary Education Board HSC Science 2009 results, GUJCET 2009 HSC General results, GSEB HSC General Results, GSEB HSC Science Result

GHSEB HSC/ Class XII (class 12) examinations 2009 conducted by Gujrat Higher Secondary Education Board (GHSEB), will be declared on 28th May, 2009. GSEB HSC exam 2009 results will be available on the official website of Gujrat Higher Secondary Education Board.

According to information received, Gujrat Higher Secondary Education Board will declare the results for both GSEB HSC General and Science streams.

To get the Gujarat HSC 2009 exam result, you can visit the official website of the board----

Delhi University Commerce Cut Off | DU Commerce Cut-Off List

Delhi University Commerce FIRST Cut off marks 2008-2009, D U Admission Second Cut off list for Commerce Subjects

After the results of intermediate examinations all young, confident and dynamic students are now ready to provide a kick start to their careers. They are busy searching for new avenues that would channel their innate intelligence into something truly fulfilling and enriching. What could be more prestigious for these students than to be a part of the most renowned Delhi University.

All those who are in search of information regarding various colleges and subjects of top DU colleges for the academic year 2009-2010, we provide you with the following link that will give you a table of facts of Delhi University Commerce Cut Off(both first and 2nd cut off) of previous year.

Visit the space below to get the information on Delhi University Commerce cut off:
Delhi University Commerce First Cut Off

Delhi University Commerce Second Cut Off

U P Board Intermediate Result 2009 | UP Board Inter Class 12th Results 2009

Uttar Pradesh Intermediate class XIIth 2009 exam results, UP Board Inter 12 result, Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Siksha Parishad Allahabad 12 exam 2009 Result

According to official sources (, Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Siksha Parishad, Allahabad, will announce the UP Board intermediate class 12th exam result on 27th May 2009.

The students who had appeared in the UP Board inter exam 2009 can get their results from the official website of Uttar Pradesh. The UP Board XII results will be announced on May 27, 2009 at 12:00 Hrs and can be viewed at

WBSE Class 10th Exam 2009 Results | WEST BENGAL Xth Results 2009

The WEST BENGAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (WBSE) will announce the WBSE class Xth EXAMINATION-2009 results om 28th May, 2009. The information related to WBSE class 10th results 2009 is available on the official website of West Bengal Education results.

WEST BENGAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (WBSE) class 10th RESULTS WILL BE PUBLISHED ON 28TH MAY,2009 AT 11 AM and will be available on the website after the declaration. You can find your WBSE Xth exam 2009 results on



The West Bengal Madrasah Education Examination 2009 results will be announced on 27TH MAY AT 12:00 NOON. The information related to WB Board of Madarsa education results 2009 is available on the official website of West Bengal Results.

The WB Madrasa exam 2009 results will be available on the official website of government of West Bengal 12:00hrs onwards. You can get your West Bengal Madrasah Education Examination 2009 results on

CBSE Class X Exam Results 2009 Chennai, Ajmer, Panchkula regions

CBSE10th results 2009, CBSE Chennai, Ajmer, Panchkula regions xth result, cbse10thresults

The Central Board of Secondary Education/CBSE will announce the class 10th 2009 examination results for Chennai, Ajmer, Panchkula/Chandigarh regions on 26th May, 2009.

According to information available on the official results website of Central Board of Secondary Education/ CBSE, class Xth 2009 results wiil be announced at 10:00 Hrs IST
and can be obtained from the website--

Orissa CHSE +2 Arts, Science, Commerce, Vocational 2009 Result, Plus 2 results

Orissa Council of Higher Secondary Examination class 12th Arts, Science, Commerce, Vocational exam 2009 results, Orissa CHSE plus 2 2009 results

The Council of Higher Secondary Examination (CHSE), Orissa will announce the CHSE class 12th (+2) +2 Arts, Science, Commerce, Vocational examination 2009 results on 26th May, 2009.

According to information available on the official website of orissa results, Orissa CHSE/Council of Higher Secondary Examination plus 2 results for Arts, Science, Commerce, Vocational exams 2009 will be announce at 9:00 hrs and will be available on the website---

Meghalaya HSSLC Exam 2009 Arts Result, MBOSE HSSLC 2009 Arts Results

Meghalaya Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (Arts) 2009 Result,
Meghalaya Board Examination MBOSE HSSLC Results

The Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) will announce the Meghalaya Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (Arts) 2009 Result on May 26, 2009 at 09:00 Hrs.

MBOSE HSSLC exams 2009 were held recently. Meghalaya HSSLC Exam 2009 Arts Results will be available on the official website of Meghalaya results after 9:00 hrs. You can visit the website to get your HSSLC Exam 2009 results---

Meghalaya SSLCE 2009 Results | MBOSE SSLC/ 10th Exam 2009 Result

Meghalaya Class 10th result, Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination Result 2009, Meghalaya Secondary School Leaving Certificate Exam Result, Meghalaya Xth class result

According to onformation available from the Meghalaya Board of school Education/MBOSE, the board will announce Meghalaya SSLCE (Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination) Result 2009 on 26th May, 2009.

The class 10th (popularly known as SSLCE exam) results will be available on the official results website of Meghalaya results. You can get your Meghalaya SSLCE 2009 Results by visiting the website after 9:00 hrs. The website is

SSC Central Police Organisation S. I. Examination 2008 Result

Staff Selection Commission CPI SI 2008 exam Results, SSC Central Police Organisation Sub Inspector result

The Staff Selection Commission has announced the results of Central Police Organisation /CPU Sub-inspector/SI examination 2008 results.

The CPO SI exam 2008 result was announced by the Staff Selection Commission/SSC on May 25th 2009. You can find the Central Police Organisation (S. I.) Examination, 2008 - result of Candidates,qualified in paper-I(OMR) on the official website of SSC---

ICET hall ticket | ICET Exam 2009 hall ticket | ICET Admit Card

According to information available on the official website of ICET 2009 (ICET-2009 REGISTRATION INFORMATION), you can find the ICET hall ticket number and ICET 2009 test center by logging on to the official website of Ap ICET 2009--- The website says that the ICET Hall tickets will be dispatched to all the registered applicants shortly. For more information on ICET Hall Ticket Numbaer and exam, please log on

DIET CET Key | DIET CET Answer Key | DIETCET Final Key 2009

DIET CET Entrance Test Answer Key, AP DIET CET Entrance Test Solutions, Andhra Pradesh DIET Answers

Andhra Pradesh DIET CET 2009 for admission into D.Ed. course was held on 24- May -2009. Here is the link for Andhra Pradesh DIET CET Entrance Test Final Answer Key 2008. You can get the DIET final answer key by visiting the following web address:

For DIET CET 2009 Answer Key, please visit this page regularly for the latest updates. We will update the solutions for DIETCET 2009 exam as soon as possible.

PSST2009 | Pre Shiksha Shashtri Exam 2009 |

Rajasthan PSST 2009, Rajasthan Pre Shiksha Shashtri Exam 2009,,

Rajasthan Pre Shiksha Shashtri/ PSST 2009 exam is being conducted by RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR. According to information available on the official website of Rajasthan Pre Shiksha Shashtri Exam 2009, , candidates can visit the website for collecting information on centers at which admission card available and also know their Roll No. For more information on Pre Shiksha Shashtri/ PSST2009, plese visit the website----

PSEB Middle School Result 2009 | Punjab School Education Board 8th Results 2009

PSEB Class 8th Result, Punjab Board class VIIIth Results for 2009, Punjab Board Results 2009

As per the available information PSEB has declared its Class 8th (Middle School) results 2009.

The results are available on the official website of Punjab School Education Board –

HBSE Bhiwani results | Haryana Board of School Education Bhiwani Result

HBSE Middle Exam results 2009, HBSE Class 8 Result, Haryana Board of School Education Middle Exam Results 2009, HBSE Class VIII resultHaryana Board of School Education (HBSE), Bhiwani will announce the middle exam Results 2009 on April 24, 2009 at 6:00 PM. The class 8th exam 2009 results of Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE), Bhiwani will be available on the official website of the board:

Tamil Nadu SSLC Results 2009 , TN SSLC 2009 Results, Tamilnadu 10th Result

Tamil Nadu SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) exam 2009 results will be announced on 23 rd May 2009. Tamilnadu SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) exam 2009 was conducted recently and the students who had appeared in the TN SSLC 2009 examination are waiting for their results eagerly.

Tamil Nadu SSLC 2009 results will be available on the official results website of the government of Tamil Nadu. For the SSLC results you can visit the website -- All the best!

Uttarakhand 10th Board Result 2009 | Uttaranchal X Board Results 2009

uttrakhand class 10th result 2009,uttranchal X board results 2009, uttarakhand high school result 2009

All the students who appeared for the high school examination are now eagerly waiting for their results.
According to the available information the Uttarakhand Board Of School Education is likely to announce their high school (Class X) results in few days.

For the latest updates and news on Uttarakhand 10th Board Result 2009 | Uttaranchal X Board Results 2009 kindly check this space or the official portal of government of uttarakhand –

Bihar Intermediate 2009 Results | BSEB +2 results

bihar intermediate education council patna plus 2 results, Bihar Intermediate Examination Results, biharintermediateeducationcouncil, BIEC inter 2009 results

Bihar Intermediate (+2) or class 12th exam were conducted recently by Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) earlier known as Bihar Intermediate Education Council (BIEC). The BSEB takes care of school education in the state of Bihar and sets up policies and guidelines for school education in Bihar.

Bihar Intermediate examination 2009 results are expected to be announced soon. Bihar matric (class Xth) exam 2009 results were announced on 20th May 2009. For the latest news and updates on bihar intermediate education council patna/class XIIth results, you can visit the official website of Bihar School Examination Board/BSEB,

Uttarakhand 12th Board Result 2009 | Uttaranchal XII Board Results 2009

uttrakhand class 12th result 2009,uttranchal XII board results 2009, uttarakhand intermediate result 2009

After the year long rigrous efforts its time for results and all the students who have appeared for their board examinations are keeping their fingers crossed.
As per the information the Uttarakhand Board Of School Education will announce its intermediate (Class XII) results in few days.

For the latest updates and news on Uttarakhand 12th Board Result 2009 | Uttaranchal XII Board Results 2009 you can visit the official portal of government of uttarakhand –

CET 2009 Results|Karnataka CET Results 2009|KEA CET Result 2009

As per the available information the Karnataka Examination Authority(KEA) has put aside confusions regarding the CET results 2009 and confirmed that the results of Karnataka CET – 2009 will be announced on 25th May 2009.

For those trying to pursue their careers in medical and engineering, a Common Entrance Test(CET) is conducted by the Karnataka Government for the addmissions in medical and engineering colleges.

For the latest updates and news on CET 2009 Results|Karnataka CET Results 2009|KEA CET Result 2009 you can visit the official website –

manish pandey | manish pande Cricket Player | manish pandey RC Bangalore

manish pandey Nainital, manish pandey Cricket Player, manish pande Royal Challengers Bangalore

The Indian Premiere League Season 2/IPL 2 has seen the first Indian player to hit a century. It is none other than Manish Pandey of Royal Challengers Bangalore. The young man hist 114 runs against team Hyderabad on Thursday to help his team beat the Deccan Chargers. Manish Pandey's blistering knock consisted of 10 fours and 4 towering sixes.

manish pandey basically hails from Nainital of Uttarakhand but has made Bangalore his home as he plays Cricket for karnataka. Thursday's powerful batting by the young cricketer has suddenly made him the star and it certainly promises lots of entertaining cricket by Manish Pande. Good luck young man!

Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter

CBSE Board Class 1Oth Result 2009 of Delhi, Guwahati And Allahabad regions, CBSE Class Xth 2009 Results of Delhi, Guwahati And Allahabad regions

As per the information available CBSE Board(Central Board of Secondary Education), New Delhi, will announce its High School (Class Xth) 2009 result for Delhi, Guwahati and Allahabad regions after 26th May 2009.

CBSE will announce the Class Xth Exam Results 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions on 26th may at 10:00 hrs. Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi to get their class 10th result. The website is

CBSE Board Class 12th Result 2009 of Chennai, Ajmer And Panchkula regions CBSE Class XIIth 2009 Results of Chennai, Ajmer And Panchkula regions

As per the information available from CBSE Board(Kendriya Madhyamik Shiksha Board), New Delhi, the result of the 12th exam 2009 will be announced on 20th May 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions.Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

UP Board 10th Result 2009, UP Board Result 2009 of Class X,UP Result, UP Board High School Result 2009

As per the information received from Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, the result of UP Board High School exam 2009 would be announced on May 30 , Friday. According to the reports from UP Board sources, the result will be declared on 30th May, 2009.
To obtain the results, you can log on to official website of UP Board

UP Board 12th Result 2009, UP Board Result 2009 of Class XII,UP Result, UP Board Intermediate Result 2009

As per the available information Uttar Pradesh Board of High School & Intermediate Education (UP Board) (UP Board Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad)will announce the intermediate (Class XII) Examination results for 2009 on May 27, Sunday. According to the reports from UP Board sources, the result will be declared on 27th May, 2009.
To obtain the results, you can log on to official website of UP Board

CGBSE Class 10/ Xth results | CGBSE SSC results 2009 | Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education

According to the official information Chattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education(Chattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal) is likely to announce its CGBSE Class 10/ Xth results | CGBSE SSC results 2009 | in coming days.

For more information kindly check this space or their website –

CGBSE SSLC results | CGBSE 12th results 2009 | CGBSE XII result

As per the available information the Chattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education(Chattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal) will announce its SSLC results in few days.

For the latest updates and news on CGBSE SSLC results | CGBSE 12th results 2009 | CGBSE XII result you can visit the official website -

Orissa HSC 2009 results | orissa 10th result | tenth result for orissa

Board of secondary Education Orissa will announce the Orissa HSC 2009 results on June 30, 2009 at 9:00 hrs. It will be available at

As per the available information Board Of Secondary Education BSE, Orissa is likely to announce its High School (Class X) 2009 results in few days. BSE was constitued under the Orissa Secondary Education Act 1953. It is the corporate body which is responsible for developing, controlling and regulating Secondary Education in the state of Orissa.

For the latest updates and news on Orissa HSC 2009 results | orissa 10th result | tenth result for orissa you can visit the official website -

SEBA RESULT 2009 | SEBA HSLC result 2009 | Secondary Education Board of Assam

seba HSLC results 2009, board of secondary education assam, seba result, HSLC, resultssecondary education board of assam

SEBA (the Secondary Education Board of Assam) is expected to announce the results of the SEBA HSLC/AHM examination 2009, in the coming days. The exam was conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam. For further information on SEBA results, you can log on to the official results website of Assam.

CBSE Board Class 10th Result 2009, CBSE Class Xth 2009 Results

According to information received from CBSE Board(the Central Board of Secondary Education), New Delhi, the result of the class 10th exam 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions will be announced on 26th May 2009. The students who have taken the exam can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi to get their result.

The CBSE class 1oth 2009 exam results will be announced on May 26, 2009 at 10:00 Hrs and be available on the website of CBSE as well as

CBSE Board Class 12th Result 2009, CBSE Class XIIth 2009 Results

According to information received from CBSE Board(Kendriya Madhyamik Shiksha Board), New Delhi, the result of the 12th exam 2009 will be announced on 20th May 2009 for Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions.Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

ICSE Board Class 10th Result 2009, ICSE Class Xth 2009 Results

According to information received from ICSE Board, New Delhi, the result of the 10th exam 2009 will be announced on 2Oth May 2009.Appeared students can visit the official website of ICSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

CBSE Board Class 12th Result 2009, CBSE Class XIIth 2009 Results

According to information received from CBSE Board(Kendriya Madhyamik Shiksha Board), New Delhi, the result of the 12th exam 2009 will be announced on 22nd May 2009 for Delhi, Guwahati and Allahabad regions.Appeared students can visit the official website of CBSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

bseb patna class 10th results,bseb class x exam 2009 result,bihar high school 2009 result

The BSEB (Bihar School Education Board),patna ,will announce the BSEB class 10th 2009 result on may 20,2009. According to the information received from BSEB officials, the bihar high school result will be declared on wednesday.the students who had appeared in BSEB patna high school exam 2009,can get their result from the official web site of Bihar school education board.

up board inter result 2009,up board intermidiate result 2009, up board 12th result

According to information received from Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, the result of UP Board Inter Exam 2009 will be announced on May 20, 2009. UP Board inter exam were held in March-April 2009. UP Board class XIIth students can visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Parishad, ---to get their up board 2009 result.

up board high school 2009 result, up board class 10th result 2009

UP Board Mdhyamik Shiksha Parishad High School Xth 2009 result, UP Board Allahabad 10th result 2009

According to information received from Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, the result of UP Board High School exam 2009 would be announced soon.UP Board High School exam were held in March-April 2009. UP Board class Xth students can visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Parishad, ---to get their up board 2009 result.

ISC Board Class 12th Result 2009, ISC Class XIIth 2009 Results

According to information received from ICSE Board, New Delhi, the result of the 12th exam 2009 will be announced on 2Oth May 2009.Appeared students can visit the official website of ICSE Board, New Delhi----to get their result.

ptu cet 2009 results | Punjab CET 2009 result

PTU Common Entrance Test 2009 result, Panjab CET 2009 result

Punjab Technical University (PTU) CET 2009 (Common Entrance Test 2009) results will be declared on May 26, 2009 and will be available on official University website on 26th May 2009. Printed gazettes will also be available in all Engineering and Pharmacy colleges affiliated with PTU/Pubjab Technical University. For more information on Panjab CET 2009 results, you can visit

eciresults | www.eciresults.nic

election commission of India Live results 2009, ECI 2009 Lok Sabha Liveresult

Counting of votes for the Lok Sabha Elections 2009 begins on Saturday (May 16, 2009). The election commission of India/ECI has started a dedicated website to publish the electoral results online in real time.

www.eciresults.nic will display authentic trends and election results within a few moments of the counting halls releasing the result of India Elections 2009. For more details on India elections 2009 vote counting, you can go to www.eciresults.nic and explore all information.

India election counting | India 2009 Vote Counting Live | Election results Live

All eyes are now set for the final results of the Lok Sabha elections 2009 that concluded a few days ago. political parties as well as common masses are keeping their fingers crossed regarding the outcome of the Lok sabha election results 2009. All the TV channels will be bringing live telecast of vote counting from all the states. You can get a live coverage of election counting results on the following website:


Lok Sabha election 2009 results | India Election Results 2009

India election 2009 predictions, Lok Sabha election 2009 india, Vote counting India election 2009,

After the Lok Sabha elections, all the India citizens as well as the political parties are keeping their fingers crossed on the results/outcome of the India elections 2009. hectic parlays are going on between various political leaders and the political parties.

It is interesting to see who is going to form the next government as the exit polls conducted by various TV channels predict a hung-parliament. No political group seems to be heading towards getting near to the magical figure to stake claim in forming the next government. lets kepp our fingers crossed and wish for a stable and strong government at the center that can take the country forward.

manresults 2009 | manresult | Manipur Board Results

Manipur Higher Secondary Examination 2009 results, Manipur HSE 2009 result

The results of Higher Secondary Examination 2009, conducted by Conducted by Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur has been announced on May 15, 2009. You can obtain your Manipur Higher Secondary Examination 2009 Arts, Commerce and Science results on the below website:

Manipur HSLCE 2009 Results | High School Leaving Certificate Examination

Manipur High School Leaving Certificate Examination 2009 result 2009, manipur HSLE exam result

According to information available on the official website of Manipur Results,, the High School Leaving Certificate Examination 2009
, conductedby the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur will be declared soon. For the latest information on Manipur HSLE exam, you can visit the:

new pension scheme 2009 | new pension scheme India

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), PFRDA New Pension Scheme

A new Pension Scheme established by the Government under the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) will help the Citizens with an option of securing their post-retirement life.

The new pension scheme has come in to effect from May 1, 2009. The unique feature of this pension scheme is the flexibility it offers to investors to choose their asset allocation as well as their fund managers.

The new pension scheme has already been made mandatory for the employees of the Central Governmentfrom 2004 and is said to have returned a earned a weighted average of about 14.5 per cent over the last one year. This has been informed by PFRDA/Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.

twenty20 cricket world cup 2009 schedule | icc t20 world cup fixtures

twenty20 world cup 2009 Fixtures, t20 cricket world cup 2009 schedule, icc t20 world cup schedule, t20 world cup fixtures 2009

Here are the twenty20 world cup 2009 Fixtures/schedule of the matches:

Matches Timings and Schedule

05, June 2009: in England v Netherlands Day night, London
06, June 2009: New Zealand v Scotland Day match, London
06, June 2009: Australia v West Indies. Day mach in London
06, June 2009: India v Bangladesh, in Nottingham D/N
07, June 2009: South Africa v Scotland, day match in London
07, June 2009: England v Pakistan, D/N match in London
08, June 2009: Bangladesh v Ireland, Day match Nottingham
08, June 2009: Australia v Sri Lanka, D/N in Nottingham
09, June 2009: Pakistan v Netherlands, London day match
09, June 2009: New Zealand v South Africa D/N in London
10, June 2009: Sri Lanka v West Indies, Nottingham
10, June 2009: India v Ireland

Super Eight T20 world cup 2009 match fixtures and timings

On 11, June 2009

D1 v A2 in Nottingham
B2 v D2 in Nottingham

12, June 2009

B2 v D2 in London
A1 v C1 IN London

13, June 2009

C1 v D2 in London
D1 v B1 IN London

14, June 2009

A2 v C2 in London
A1 v B2 IN London

15, June 2009

B2 v C1 in London
B1 v A2 IN London

16, June 2009

D1 v C2 in Nottingham
D2 v A1 IN Nottingham

Now the Semi Final Matches

18, June 2009
1st Semi-Final

19, June 2009

2nd Semi-Final

Twenty20 World Cup 2009 – Final on 21, June 2009 London


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